Create a library of long-form marketing content that’s easy to leverage on repeat, and converts your audience to clients in half the time.

The doors are currently closed to new students. You can join the waitlist now — and you’ll be notified as soon as we set a date to re-open!

I know it feels like you’ve been spinning your wheels on marketing your coaching or services.

People lurk… and some even cheer you on… but if you’re being honest, not enough of them are signing up with you.

(Meaning… Your content isn’t resulting in consistent inquiries and clients.)


It’s not that you lack the drive. You are showing up. (Maybe even a lot.) But it’s starting to occur to you that “just showing up” may not be enough…


And it’s not because you don’t have ideas. You have what it takes to be a thought leader in your space. You have a lot to say — Unique perspectives. Rich experiences to draw from…

But turning that expertise into marketing content? That’s the part you haven’t mastered yet. 

To put it plainly… You’re a bit lost about what exactly you need to say – to get people to hit the “Buy” button.

… Sound familiar? If so, you’re in the right place.

I created High-leverage Content for you.

High-Leverage Content is going to
dramatically upgrade your marketing & (finally)
have ideal clients clamoring to work with you.

HLC is a comprehensive course & toolkit for coaches,
service providers, & EXPERTS

We’re going to tap into your deep expertise, untangle all those ideas you have…

…And get you creating strategic, long-form thought leadership content
that results in a client roster that makes you so proud!

Because here’s the unvarnished truth about your marketing as a coach or expert:

It’s actually NOT enough to “just show up consistently.” That will only bring your audience so far. 

If you want to ditch the “Where will my next client come from?” pressure… and have people consistently consuming your content, eagerly booking calls, and happily buying up your offers… You’re going to need a more specific content plan.

Why? Because

There are *certain things* your future clients need to hear and understand – to be ready to pay you.

The High-leverage Content System is built around this fundamental truth.

So if you’ve ever thought, “I wish someone would just TELL ME what my content needs to say to get people hitting that “BUY” button…” you’re in the right place. 

HLC is exactly that.

Wish granted. 🧞‍♂️

Ditch the “What will convert?” guesswork.

Create a library of long-form content that’s easy to leverage on repeat, and converts your audience to clients in half the time.

One payment of $997


3 payments of $397

Join the waitlist today!

You’ll be notified as soon as we set a date to re-open!

Enroll & get instant access to

The High-leverage Content Curriculum: In-depth, digestible trainings will take you, step-by-step, from content strategy… to planning… through creation. 

The HLC ‘9-in-2 Content Pillar’ framework: Learn this in Hour 1. It quickly transforms a jumble of thoughts and content ideas into a structured, impactful content plan – and a profitable body of work.

Checklists, Workbooks & Tracker Sheets: You’ll have, at your fingertips, all the road-tested tools to make implementing this course and system simple! 

9 Plug & Play Content Outlines with (optional) ChatGPT prompts: These guide you through every paragraph and line – and eliminate the “what do I write?” uncertainty. 

ChatGPT & AI Writing Tool Trainings: Quickly learn key techniques for using AI to improve the effectiveness of your content – while drastically reducing your creation time. 

+ BONUS! : Private Student-Only Facebook Group: Get access to ask Jana questions and join live Q+A and implementation sessions. 

(Excited??? Scroll down for more details on the powerful curriculum and tools!)
“Content that drives visibility and sales of my courses and offers.”

Jana helped me build a body of work that continues to drive visibility and sales of my courses and services, month after month, year after year. If you want your content to represent you well AND convert clients, you want to learn from Jana.”

Psychology-based Brand Strategist

MADE A SALE with HLC content, in the first 8 days!

“My blog posts were SEO-optimized, but they weren’t converting as often as she wanted them to.  The HLC 9-in-2 Content Pillars, the outlines, and your ChatGPT prompts all made it easy and quick to write high-converting blog posts. 

Within 8 days of publishing my first posts, I had a conversion. This person had been reading my content for awhile, but one of my new “HLC-style” posts was what she needed, to feel ready. So, she joined my membership!”

Nutritionist + Low GI Diet & Living Coach

Becky Fertility Coach


HLC is so clear. Jana lays out a way of thinking about content that I’ve never seen before. As I go through it, it’s just one “ah-ha! moment after another.

Following this process has made it so clear where the holes/gaps have been in my content up to now. Now, not only do I see the gaps, but I also know how to patch them right up. And HLC has all the tools I need to do that, too.”

Fertility Coach

Bypass Burnout & Get Booked-Out with High-Leverage Content.

HLC eliminates the guesswork. When it’s time to create, you will dive straight into easily producing the crucial pieces of content that will pre-sell your offers.

We go deeper than tips and tricks. Unlike other marketing programs, HLC fills a gap by showing you the *exact* right balance between educating and selling.

With what you learn here, you will easily create high-converting content that showcases your unique thought leadership – and drives revenue. 

You will build a brilliant, versatile, and profitable ‘body of work” you’re proud of – while leveraging free AI writing tools to reduce the time it takes to do it.  

And you will sidestep the rampant content burnout (i.e. lots of content; little revenue) that makes other coaches quit and become a “statistic.” 

So, yes… Your content needs to make you money.

(Otherwise… What are we even doing? 🤷🏻‍♀️)

And here are a few other reasons you want to be doing things the HLC way… 

Streamlined Content Creation Process

This course is an easy button for content creation. 

Ever felt intimidated by creating substantive content that actually creates shifts and positions you as an expert? This is how it’s finally going to feel simple.

Reduce Your Content Time by 75%

Slash the time your content takes by 75%. Say goodbye to staring at a blank page or struggling with writer’s block. 

Re-claim your time for client work, yourself, and your family (and maybe for some naps!) 

Proven Formulas that Get Results

Unlock proprietary formulas for producing professional-level content that increases sales of your signature offers. 

With the HLC outlines and prompts, you’ll create engaging, polished pieces that resonate with future clients and elevate your brand.

Ready for content that converts?

Hello! Jana O. here.

I’m often asked, “How have you been so consistent with your content over the years?”

Want to know my little secret?
What *actually* motivates me to keep showing up?

It’s because I know how to create content that generates sales. 


So when I show up, I get paid. That’s it. That’s my motivation secret!

(I like getting paid! It means time freedom and a roof over my head. And those sales I make? They fund my addictions to long-weekend travel, 90-minute massages, and fancy food. Oh and dog treats. They fund dog treats for 🐶 Roux.

Plus… As an in-house content manager for a seven-figure coach and course creator…
and as a Pinterest marketing educator…

I’ve spent the last seven years showing online experts how to catch the attention of their ideal clients, generate leads, and boost sales.

And I know this for sure:

Without compelling content, any marketing (including on Pinterest) falls flat. And that’s why I created the High-leverage Content system… 

Over the years, I’ve seen so many brilliant coaches out there spinning their wheels…

Creating just to create but not seeing the bank account boosts they deserve. I wanted to combine what I’ve learned in my own business – and what I’ve honed by teaching clients – and change all that. 

With the High-Leverage Content System, I’m empowering you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to create thought leadership content that not only positions you as the expert – but also delivers real ROI.

This is the system I use in my own business – and with clients.
It’s a system that works.

It’s time to make your content sing for its supper. Let’s get started.

A few things students are saying about HLC...

Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers
Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers
Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers
Chiara Pinterest Coach


“High-leverage Content has helped me get more leads and clients than anything I’ve tried before! 

When I shared my first couple of HLC posts, I had multiple potential clients reach out about my mentorship offer, and I had three sales calls booked within a week!

Everything about HLC is clear — the framework, the method, the reasoning behind every step. I’m someone who thrives with a step-by-step process. And HLC has that!”

Pinterest Manager & Strategist

Chiara Pinterest Coach


I was initially nervous to join HLC, because I had taken other content courses that sounded good, but were disappointing once I got inside. But I went for it — and HLC met and far exceeded my expectations.

The course is so well-structured, and not overwhelming. I love using the content pillars, the outlines, and Jana’s writing process. And the whole program really motivated me to get my library done.

When I shared my first HLC blog post, I had someone reply back and say, “I can’t tell you how much I needed this today.” That felt so great! And I’ve signed two new clients with my new HLC content, so far. 

It’s such a relief that I don’t have to keep trying to figure out what I should include in my marketing!”

Therapist & Relationship Stress Coach

Chiara Pinterest Coach

her hlc writing allowed her to outsource social media

“The work I do is not well-known, so I knew I needed to build trust – in me and in the work I do.

I also liked the idea of creating a library of blog posts, then just repurposing them, so I wouldn’t have to create content indefinitely! I wanted to hire someone to do my social media. And I knew the first step was for me to write blogs that a team member could simply repurpose.

HLC made that really easy (especially with the content pillars and the content outlines). Within the first 60 days, I had 9 quality blog posts that I’m proud of. And I hired a content repurposer to do my LinkedIN!

I’m feeling very clear on my message, too. I’ve gotten much better at putting it all into words that my people can relate to. Thank you for HLC! 

Lic. Clinical Psychologist & Nervous System Regulation Expert

Chiara Pinterest Coach

from “overwhelmed” to organized & taking action!

“I am so stoked and I can’t stop coming back to write!

With HLC I finally feel like I can breathe. I was overwhelmed with the marketing part [before HLC] but the ChatGPT prompts are gold and you’re organized approach makes me feel like I can actually do this!”

Natural Health Practitioner

High-leverage Content is for you if…

You’re a smart human, but you’re unsure of what to create to sell your offer.
You have a lot of ideas – but you’re not sure which ones will make for the most profitable messages.
You don’t have hours each day to create content like an influencer. (Hello! You have clients to see – and a life!)
You want to boldly share what you know – and showcase your expertise.
You want to be on discovery calls where your future clients ALREADY know they want to work with you – because your content ‘pre-sold’ them.

You want all these results – but you *also* fully recognize that it takes some time and effort to get them!

This is not for you if…

You’re *not* willing to create detailed thought leadership content; you prefer creating daily short-form content that just scratches the surface in 8 seconds or less.
You haven’t committed to what you’re selling yet – or you’re unsure how your offers help people.
You’d prefer to run paid ads only – not create helpful and inspiring content that organically attracts clients.
You prefer “push” marketing to “pull” marketing (You’d rather sell by sending DMs – instead of creating content that does the attracting and selling.)

Still here? Perfect.

Let’s get your content working for you…

Ditch the “What will convert?” guesswork.

Create a library of long-form content that’s easy to leverage on repeat, and converts your audience to clients in half the time.

One payment of $997


3 payments of $397

Join the waitlist today!

You’ll be notified as soon as we set a date to re-open!

More #realtalk coming in spicy…

It’s high time you stop wasting hours of your life creating content that doesn’t convert.

You don’t need loads of content.
What you need is the *right* kind of content.
And you certainly don’t need to break the bank paying someone else to do your marketing, selling, or writing.
(Hint… outsourcing like that rarely works as expected.
You can outsource repurposing – but not thought leadership.) 
What you need is a new plan for *profitable* content – and the skills and tools to make it easy to implement.  

And guess what? That’s *exactly* what HLC delivers…

Okay, so what is inside High-leverage Content?

Around here, we believe in “measuring twice, and cutting once.”
So, first we’ll plan together. Then we’ll create content. Here’s what that looks like… 

Phase 0: Orientation


Let’s start with a mind-meld. I’ll quickly download everything you need to know to get ready to use this course. You’ll learn:
How the HLC system works to create relevant, scroll-stopping, profitable content
Why it works at each of the three stages of the buyer journey: Attract, Nurture, Convert
The HLC “Measure twice, cut once” approach to content planning
The four main milestones of the HLC course – and what to expect at each step
Exactly how to squeeze every juicy 🍋 drop of value from this course – and its tools and resources


During orientation, you’ll be invited to join private, our STUDENTS-ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP. Inside, you’ll be able to ask Jana questions, share your content and your progress, and participate in exclusive Q+A and training sessions (with replays!). 

You’ll also download your copy of the HLC CHECKLIST & MILESTONE TRACKER.  It’s your master “to-do” list for this course – and will keep you organized and accountable, every step of the way. 

Then it’s time for…

HLC Facebook group

Phase 1: Strategy & Planning

In Phase 1, we’ll untangle all your ideas and turn them into an easy-to-implement plan for your profitable library of thought leadership content.


I’ll walk you – step-by-step – through the proven HLC process for developing the profitable, easy, and energizing content strategy you’ve been dreaming of. 

(Warning: This new approach is going to trigger a seismic shift in your strategy!) 

You’ll learn the ‘9-in-2 Content Pillars’ – the nine types of high-leverage content you’ll need to get people buying your coaching offers and programs, faster:

4 types of expertise-focused content
5 types of conversion-focused content
And you will:

Use the ‘9-in-2’ Pillars to quickly untangle all your content ideas. We’ll turn them into a coherent, easy-to-implement plan for your profitable library of thought leadership content. 

Quickly gain a firm grasp of the key elements and hallmarks of each content type
See the concepts come to life with specific examples – so they’re relatable, tangible, and actionable for you. 
Use HLC’s specially-engineered, copy-and-paste, ChatGPT prompts to identify unique topics for each type – from *your* business, industry, and niche. 
Learn and implement the powerful “HLC Score & Select Method” to narrow down to only the most profitable ideas – so the content you spend time creating will actually generate revenue.

In the Strategy & Planning Phase,
you’ll also get access to some powerful tools:

Strategy & Planning Tool #1:
Ever take a course but feel unclear on the action items? That’s not happening here! This workbook keeps you on track, organized, and moving forward.

As you learn and follow each step for developing your revenue-focused content plan, this 16-page workbook (printable or fillable!) will be your structured HQ for documenting all your ideas, your process, and your decisions. 

Strategy & Planning Tool #2:

Say “See ya!” to content that gets ignored. And stop creating randomly – and then wrestling *after the fact* to figure out how to relate your content back to your offers. Trust me. This is how.

Between your top-notch brain and my brainstorming prompts, you will *never* want for a good content idea. But the irony is that having too many ideas can actually keep you stuck and un-focused. 

So get ready for the easiest and best way to “score” your ideas. The proprietary “HLC Score & Select Method” training and worksheet is how – so you can focus your time and creative energy on what will be most profitable.

By the end of phase one, you’ll have an uncomplicated, highly-intentional written content plan – so carrying it out in phase two will be smoooooooth sailing!

Phase 2: Content Creation

In Phase 2, we’ll create and publish content that builds demand fast – and converts your audience to clients in half the time.


I’ll break down — paragraph-by-paragraph — each of the nine types of high-leverage content. You’ll learn *exactly* what elements need to be there – to trigger connection, build trust, and create the right “ah-ha moments” that drive sales. 

Then, it’s time to dive in and create your first four pieces of High-leverage Content! 

You’ll use my logical and light 4-step process for creating high-converting long-form content. (This will reduce your content creation time by 75% – while making your content *infinitely* more effective.) 


You will have lifetime access to all lessons, materials, and tools.


And speaking of tools…
Here’s what you’ll be getting and using:

Content Creation Tool #1:

featuring ChatGPT Prompts

(Hint: It’s been mentioned more than once that these strategic outlines are worth the price of the course alone!) 

These nine granular, plug-and-play content outlines are meticulously designed to guide you through every paragraph of your writing or outlining. You’ll effortlessly know what to include in each section, and not miss any of the crucial elements that spur your audience into action.

Plus, the outlines feature specially engineered ChatGPT prompts that perfectly align with each individual element and paragraph. (These are optional — but awesome! If you choose to use them, you’ll simply plug them in with your details, copy, paste – and Voila! First draft done. #EasyButton!)

Content Creation Tool #2:

(Ever wondering if ChatGPT can reaaaally produce on-brand content for you? Yes, yes it can… If you use it the right way!) 

The HLC four-step content creation process calls gives you the option to draft using ChatGPT. Once the heavy lifting is done, though, it’s time for you to flesh out and polish up your content. That’s where this invaluable checklist comes in.

Use it as you’re refining and shaping AI-created outputs into your blog post or talking points. Tick the marks to be sure your thought leadership will shine throughand your content will connect and convert.

When you join HLC, you can immediately

Zero right in on what mistakes you’re making now with your content (your content blind spots) – and how to fix them – literally today.

Solidify a multi-month plan for creating content that (finally!) attracts and converts the right people for your offers.

Start growing a red-hot audience who gobbles up your content, trusts you fast, and can’t wait to work with you.
Step confidently into the role of industry thought leader – with the legit, growing, body of work to back it up.
Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers

More HLC Student Wins!

Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers
Testimonials for content strategy course for coaches and service providers
Sarah Purpose & Connection Coach

“The Content Pillars you learn in the first hour are worth the price of the course alone.”

You may have heard of content pillars before, but neeevver like this. The way Jana talks about them – and how they connect back to your business and sales – was a total lightbulb moment.

You’re always hearing, ‘You have to get into the heads of your ideal client and meet them where they’re at,’ but until HLC, I never had a clear understanding of HOW TO DO THAT. Now I do!

Plus HLC doesn’t teach an algorithm-chasing strategy. Instead, it teaches a strategy that is timeless.” 

Purpose & Connection Coach

High-leverage Content Strategy for Service Providers - Cat Testimonial

“HLC IS a great mix of step-by-step instructions and giving space for my own ideas and thoughts.

“In HLC, I’m creating the key pieces of content I need to sell my services — and I love that I won’t need to keep creating forever!

I have wanted to build my blog out for a while and didn’t know where to start with topics and how to spend my time. HLC has given me the perfect way to know that the content I create is doing the work I need it to.

The lessons and resources are so easy to follow and there’s a great mix of step-by-step instructions and giving space for my own ideas and thoughts (the nuances sections are great!).

Previously, I felt content was time-consuming, and that held me back. HLC’s method for using ChatGPT has saved me so much time, so I’m now taking action.” 

Brand & Web Designer; Mentor for Designers 

Still have some Q’s? I’ve got your A’s.

When does the course begin?

High-leverage Content’s core curriculum is a self-paced course. When you enroll, you get instant access. You can start immediately or wait a few weeks (or more, really). Your choice!

Can I take the course at my own pace?

Yes, absolutely. You get lifetime access to all the lessons, materials, and tools. This program is designed for you to return at any time, watch a training, grab a content outline, and use it to create a piece of high-leverage content.

How long do I get access to the program?

You get lifetime access to all the lessons, materials, and tools. 

Is there any personalized support with HLC?

Yes! Any time you have a question about anything in the HLC curriculum -- or you feel stuck on anything -- you can drop it in the private, student-only Facebook group for my (Jana's) feedback.  

I’m in there regularly (usually 3 to 4 times per week) to give you answers, clarity, and a path forward. 

Do I have to use ChatGPT to get results from this course?

No, not at all! Using ChatGPT (or an AI writing tool) is totally optional. It's just one tool inside the course. Even if you prefer not to use AI / ChatGPT, you'll still be able to implement the strategy and create content that converts your audience to clients.

Learning the new skill of creating High-leverage Content is already a big undertaking. So if you feel like you don't want to simultaneously learn HLC *and* how to use ChatGPT to speed up your process... it's totally okay to put ChatGPT to the side for now.

You'll simply use the HLC content outlines, free-write with the prompts, and refine -- all using my logical and light 4-step Content Creation Process.

And, you can always come back later and learn ChatGPT writing techniques. (Yay for LIFETIME course access!!)  (Yay for LIFETIME course access!!)

Does creating “high-leverage content” mean blogging?

I knew you might be wondering this! High-leverage content can be a blog - but it doesn’t have to be a blog. In this system, you could also be creating anchor content in the form of Youtube videos, podcast episodes, or even long-form social posts, livestreams, or Clubhouse rooms.

Basically, it needs to be long-form content (at least 500 words). As a coach or expert, your anchor content should help people learn and more deeply understand the ideas that make them desire to invest in your programs. So it needs to be thorough.

But, don’t let the word “thorough” scare you! This course is literally here to show you *exactly* what to say in your content, paragraph by paragraph (or bullet by bullet if you’re writing talking points for a video or episode). I’ve got you.

Am I ready for HLC? How clear do I need to be on my business?

If you know how you want to help people, you’re ready. That means you know who you serve, what outcomes you help people get, and you have a goal in mind for your content (e.g. grow your email list, sell more spots in your offers, etc.)

You do NOT have to be 100% clear on exactly how to position or “brand” yourself yet. Even if you’re still getting that clarity, you will still make incredible strides in this program. Because creating content actually makes all this more clear. Action breeds clarity.

If you’re going to invest time and energy into content, this program will help you get started the right way (or re-calibrate what you’re currently doing) - so that your content is strategic and profitable from here on out. 

So don’t wait too long! … Like Seth Godin says, “If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late.” (Tbh, most days, I still don’t feel 100% clear or confident, but I still create content - and it still sells my offers!)

Will I have to learn SEO?

No! 😅 HLC isn't about Google SEO (search engine optimization) or trying to fit our ideas around keywords. It's about thought leadership content that is strategically designed to convert your audience to clients. 

In HLC, we don’t toil over SEO and wait for it to “kick in” to see results! The type of content you’ll create with HLC is designed to help you secure clients now

Plus, fun fact: Using the ‘HLC 9-in-2 Pillars’ and the ‘HLC Score & Select method’ ensures that you’re choosing topics that truly tap into real problems, desires, and questions your future clients have.

This means HLC content will naturally get indexed favorably by Google, without you having to try. (No need to employ weird keyword stuffing or backlinking tactics!)

How often will you want me to publish content in this program?

You *could* create an new HLC piece once month or so. Or you can publish more often -- or less often. 🙂 The program will work for you, regardless of the cadence you choose.

Remember, in HLC, we are creating a small-but-mighty content library that serves as a 24/7 salesperson for you and your offers. This type of content I'll have you creating will become a lasting asset for you -- it's not fleeting like social media content can be.

So the frequency at which you publish isn't really the key. Instead, the key is simply that you publish your library over time.

(PS -- Remember, you get lifetime access to the system when you enroll. HLC is like a toolkit that you'll be using for months and years. So you won't run out of time with it if you publish less frequently than 1x a month!)

What if I buy this, but then I decide it’s not for me?

Sometimes you don’t know if something is going to be a good fit for you or not - until you get inside! And I want you to feel comfortable taking this program without risk! So, there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee. If during that period, you watch the Orientation lessons and you complete the first two sections in the HLC workbook - and you’ve decided this isn’t a fit for you - I’ll refund your money. Easy peasy. 

I’m not a coach. Will this course help me?

This course is is based on the methods that I use in my consulting/course business - and with my clients (who are generally coaches, strategists, service providers, course creators). Other entrepreneurs who want to create profitable content can certainly learn here, too! But most of the examples and specifics you’ll see will be from the types of businesses listed above.

Will this course help me with social media content?

Yes, for sure. What you learn and do here will make your social media content less random and more profitable, too!

This course is about creating more detailed, long-form content (like blogs, podcasts eps, Youtube videos, livestreams, and even longer-form social posts). But one of the most beautiful things about investing in creating profitable, high-leverage content like this is that repurposing becomes a breeze! I always recommend that your social media content be repurposed from the highly-strategic content you create here.

Will this course help me with content repurposing?

Yessss! High-leverage content is infinitely re-purpose-able. (Is that a word? It is now.) And I teach specific workflows for repurposing in HLC - after you’ve created your first four pieces of content and “unlocked” your bonuses.

The core curriculum of this course is about creating more detailed, long-form content (like blogs, podcasts eps, Youtube videos, livestreams, and even longer-form social posts). But one of the most beautiful things about investing in creating profitable, high-leverage content like this is that repurposing becomes a breeze!

What if I want to use this program *only* for social media? (Not long form)

Yes, you totally can use this program *just* for social media. If you apply the HLC frameworks to your social media content, it will undoubtedly fast-track trust-building - and speed up the time it takes to convert your social media audience to clients.

I believe long-form content is important, but there are always multiple ways to do things.

And since HLC is based on the idea that there are *certain things* your future clients need to hear and understand – to be ready to pay you.... the HLC system will work really well - even if you use it only for social media posts.

What if I have a question that isn't here?

Send me an email ( and tell me any questions or hesitations you have. I'll reply personally. It's important to me that you get all your questions answered and that you make the best possible decision about whether to enroll! 

Well look at you!..

You made it all the way to the bottom of the page.

That likely means you’re ready for income-driving content with zero guesswork.

Ready to say “buh-bye!” to hours spent making content that doesn’t create the client roster you desire…

And “helloooo!” to content that converts your audience to clients in half the time.

I’m ready to teach you how. So let’s goooooo.

Enroll in High-leverage Content today! 

Ditch the “What will convert?” guesswork.

Create a library of long-form content that’s easy to leverage on repeat, and converts your audience to clients in half the time.

One payment of $997


3 payments of $397

Join the waitlist today!

You’ll be notified as soon as we set a date to re-open!

High-leverage Content™ is a trademark of Jana O. Media LLC. All rights reserved. | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Design by Corine Pettit