What to do when a Pin performs well on Pinterest

Make more pins for that piece of content

If your audience on Pinterest is responding well to this pin, and the content it’s promoting is relevant for your current business goals, make more pins for it! The pin pictured above performed well, so in the following months we made more pin designs that pointed to the blog post about fibroids. And, guess what? Those performed well, too!


Make more pins in a similar visual style

Take a look at the visual style of the pin. Is it lighter? Darker? Does it have a colorful call to action “button?” Does it incorporate a certain image or image type that might be resonating? You can look for common denominators across your best-performing pins and lean into what’s working, design-wise, for next month’s fresh pins.


Consider creating more content around that topic

Take this as a sign! Your audience loves this topic, apparently… So maybe it makes sense to give them more of it!


How do I find my Pinterest stats for a pin? And what do they mean?

White Scribbled Underline

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