Which Pinterest Idea Pins Are Bringing You Profile Visits & Followers?

Pinterest Idea Pins now show “profile visits” and “follows!”

In addition to the basic idea that reach and engagement are good for “brand awareness..” we can now clearly see that Idea pins also help us generate profile visits and follows.


So how / where can we see these new Pinterest Idea pin stats?

1) Click on your Idea pin (formerly Story pin!) ⁣⁠ 2) In the upper right, you’ll see 3 stats: Impressions, Pin clicks, and Saves. ⁣⁠ 3) Hit “See More Stats” right under those three stats. 🙂 ⁣⁠ 4) Scroll down to “Metrics Details” and you’ll now see that the number of profile visits and the number of followers are showing here, too! ⁣⁠


Get the full guide on how to see your data from Idea Pins

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