Finding the right keywords for health and wellness coaches? That’s my jam.
I’m a Pinterest marketing strategist… and I’ve taught and consulted for hundreds of health coaches (and other entrepreneurs in the wellness, fitness, self care space).
And since Pinterest is a search engine, I now have years of experience identifying target markets for each client – and finding keywords that will attract those ideal clients.
In this post, I’m sharing some of those health and wellness keywords.
For each of the coaches featured below, you’ll be able to see…
- who they serve (coaching niche)
- how they help (coaching niche); and
- a selection Pinterest keywords they can use to attract ideal coaching clients.
(Pssssst…. If you’re inspired by these examples, and would like to learn the basics of Pinterest marketing for coaches, you’ll want to click right here to enroll in my FREE, on-demand Pinterest marketing masterclass.)
Okay, now let’s check out some keywords. Let’s start with…
Jennifer Bassman, Burnout & Boundaries Coach
As a burnout & boundaries coach, Jen helps women create comfortable boundaries that support emotional health – and help to prevent burnout.
So, what keywords will attract the right clients to her content and offers – on Pinterest?
The actual answer is… There are so many frequently-searched keywords for Jen’s niche and space. But here are just a few that I found for her, through my keyword research:
- people pleasing recovery
- burnout symptoms
- how to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur
- setting boundaries with clients
- saying no without guilt
Jennifer can use these (and others) to optimize her Pinterest profile and posts – to attract juuuuust the right ideal coaching clients – right to her digital doorstep!

Shelly Heinrichs, Low Carb Lifestyle Health Coach
Shelly helps women reverse type two diabetes, boost energy, and lose weight – while enjoying tasty low carb foods.
Low-carb and keto content is uber-popular on Pinterest. Here’s a SMALL *selection* of the many related keywords that are being searched *right now* by people on Pinterest.
Shelly can use these on her Pinterest profile and posts – to attract people who are searching for what she helps with:
- low carb eating
- diabetes prevention
- diabetes bullet journal
- low carb energy boost
- keto for beginners

Tomesha Campbell, Weight Inclusive Business Consultant & Educator
Tomesha Campbell helps health professionals to create weight-inclusive environments in their practices – and to welcome and serve more clients.
Here are some fo the keywords I gave Tomesha to use on Pinterest. These are phrases that are being searched – about topics and questions that Tomesha creates content around – to draw in her ideal audience:
- weight inclusivity
- health at every size
- health coaching questions
- starting a health coach business
- how to get health coaching clients
And, here’s a pro tip for you, dear reader! —> Some of these are keywords being search by “solution aware” people – those who already KNOW they want to learn more about weight inclusivity.
Meanwhile… Others are keywords being searched by more “problem aware” people… those who know they want to attract clients, but may not already realize how weight inclusivity will help them do that!) … The takeaway: Think about attracting potential clients at different stages of the buying journey!

Judy Arazoza, Health & Fitness Coach for Midlife Women
Judy helps women in midlife gain more confidence and energy – through physical workouts, nutrition and mindset awareness.
Here are some fo the keywords I gave Judy to use on Pinterest… These are phrases that women in their 40’s and 50’s are searching regularly – to find wellness content that is relevant to them:
- exercise in your 40’s
- fitness in your fifties
- aging beautifully older woman
- boosting energy naturally
- nutrition for women over 50

I still have lots of keywords to share with you, so keep reading…
But, in case you’re feeling inspired and ready to learn more, I want to invite you to access my FREE Masterclass: The 5 Secrets for Using Pinterest to Get Clients.
In this free and valuable session, I’m pulling back the curtain on how to use Pinterest to attract ideal clients for your health and wellness programs (like coaching, courses, etc).
Sign up here – for FREE! Add your name and a good email address, and I’ll send you access immediately.
Okay, let’s explore more keywords for health and wellness niches on Pinterest…
Orit Krug, Dance Therapist & Trauma Release Expert
Orit helps women release trauma from their bodies through dance & movement – so they can have healthy, lasting, loving relationships with their partner & beyond.
I set up a Pinterest profile for Orit last year. Here are some of the keywords being searched by women right now – around what she helps with and offers:
- how to let go of past trauma
- healing through dance
- ho to let your guard down relationships
- pushing your partner away
- when your body stores trauma

I’ll be adding to this post over time, so be sure to bookmark this page!