Coaches who are considering booking my Profitable Pinterest Boards Intensive usually want to know this:
After we set Pinterest up together during our session, what will I need to do?
In the weeks right after the session, you get a lot of support from me: A follow-up meeting. Voxer access…But all the details about that are in the FAQ in the sales page.
👉🏼 And that’s not what you’re really asking.
What you reeeeeeally want to know is this…
- How often will I need to pin? For how long?
- How much time is all of this Pinterest stuff going to take me?
- What will I need to pin and DO – to get my ROI?
I know you want to use Pinterest to attract more perfect-fit clients and sell more of your offers. (And I know you have your eye on Pinterest – because it’s low-drama and low-maintenance, unlike some of those social platforms you’re spending time on… 😏)
AND, I know that the Profitable Board Intensive with me is preeeetttyyyy appealing – since we collapse time and get you all set up in 3 hours flat!
But I also know you need to understand what happens next, once we’ve got you all set up.
So in this blog post, I’d like to introduce you to my “3 Phases of Pinterest Growth & Profitability” framework.
It will help you understand the main milestones that are part of a successful Pinterest growth strategy… and it will answer your burning question… “What will I need to do AFTER our intensive session – to get ROI?”
Pinterest Growth Strategy for Profitability
For a coach, service provider, or other online expert who is new to Pinterest (or has recently optimized her profile for business), the “journey” to leads, clients, and profits happens in three phases:
Phase 1: Set up & optimize.
Phase 2: Pin & grow.
Phase 3: Assess & iterate.

I want you to feel confident that you understand what happens AFTER we work together. (Or after you take my course and implement what I teach!)
So let’s break down what you can expect in these three phases:
Pinterest Growth Strategy Phase 1: Set up & optimize your profile.
Setting up and optimizing your profile can take a few days – or even weeks if you want to do it at a slower pace. (And there is nothing wrong with that!)
But the 1:1 Profitable Pinterest Boards Intensive fast-tracks you through Phase 1 – in 3 hours.
Because I’ve been helping coaches with Pinterest for seven years, I have a clear, effective process that works. And we work together to set you up FAST. Within three hours, you have a keyword plan, a fully-optimized profile, and your first “Pin plan.”
📆 So the Set up & Optimize phase will take 3 hours.
And you get to move on – quickly and *confidently* – to Phase 2…
(Pssssst…. You can 📌 pin this article for reference to your “Pinterest marketing” board:)

Pinterest Growth Strategy Phase 2: Pin & Grow.
During phase 2, you’ll just be sticking to your plan.
I recommend that you create 2 to 4 pins per week, total. (Or you can think of it as 10 to 20 per month.)
(If you want to be ambitious and take on more, I’ll support that! But I prefer you start with two and get consistent first before doing more. Or just stick with 2 to 4 for the long run.)
The formats of these pins and the topics will vary – depending on your business model and where/how you like to create content. We will have already clarified that in the Intensive Session, so you’ll know *YOUR* plan.
Also note: You can create as you go, or batch up to a month (or even two months) at a time. You get to decide. (Again, we will have already decided together.)
📆 The “Pin & Grow” phase can be about six months.*
And you will need some tenacity in this phase. (Any strategy takes time to work, of course.)
This means: You’ll need to be consistent for six months – and (this is important 👉🏼) it may take this long to see traction with your account.
(If ‘six months’ surprises you, let’s have a conversation. You will need some patience! Pinterest results snowball over time. We love Pinterest for its low-maintenance lead-generation capability – but it does take time. And it’s 100 percent worth it…
💯 People finding you – on repeat – when they are already searching for what you offer? 100 percent worth it…
💯 Client leads on autopilot? 100 percent worth it.
💯 Walking out of the movie theater with your kids and seeing you have two new discovery calls booked and an invoice paid? Yup… Sooooo worth it!)
Pinterest Growth Strategy Phase 3: Assess & Iterate.
This may surprise you, but I don’t really even recommend that you look at your analytics much in the first six months. 😲
Reason 1: We’re building something that snowballs. It’s better for your mindset not to watch the pot boil. (Sorry for the weird mixed metaphor. 🤣)
Reason 2: You can’t really decide what’s working (and what you should do more of) – until you’ve pinned for some time. Pinterest Analytics is great – and will tell you what’s working… but you need a decent sample size.
(Plus, if you pin three pins, and then try to decide “Is this working?”… you will be falling into a trap that our minds sometimes set for us…
Modern culture and social media have made us super impatient. But good things sometimes take time, and the last mile is never crowded.
And you’re smart, so you know that.)
So, I digress a bit… But the “Assess & Iterate” phase starts after six months.
And guess what? We can celebrate the beginning of it together…
I hate to ruin a good surprise, but there is a bonus 🎉 I like to include for all my Profitable Pinterest Boards Intensive clients…
Once you’ve been pinning for six months, we can jump on a complimentary follow-up call. We’ll celebrate your tenacity. 🥂 And I’ll help you look at your analytics. We’ll analyze what’s working, and make some decisions about whether anything about your strategy, workflow, or pins should be adjusted.
📆 The “Assess & Iterate” phase is ongoing.
The “iterate” part looks like continuing to pin at a pace and frequency that works for you.
Also, keep in mind: Pinterest gets EASIER in Phase 3. And results snowball. And you can delegate some or all of your Pinterest, too at this point, BTW.
(Note: Obvi, all of the above can vary somewhat, and you get to “do you” – but this is what a typical timeline might look like, for a client who follows my recommendations.)
Ready to get started with your own Pinterest Strategy?
I’m now booking spots for my 1:1 Profitable Pinterest Board Intensive. These sessions fast-track you through PHASE 1. They’re ideal for online coaches who want to set Pinterest up as an easeful, low-maintenance tool to attract clients.
In 3 hours, you’ll have a custom keyword plan, a fully optimized profile, and crystal clarity about *exactly* what to pin.
If you book a session for this week, you’ll be sailing confidently into Phase 2 by this time next week… and be well on your way to client leads on autopilot.
You can learn more & book your private session here.