Pinterest marketing for beginners

Why are my Pinterest monthly views decreasing? (& What to do)

Why are my Pinterest monthly views decreasing? (& What to do)

Why are my Pinterest monthly views decreasing? What happened? Have you ever seen your Pinterest views go 📉down and thought this? (Or yelled it out loud?)  Maybe it went down like this
  Pinterest *had* been going okay for you. Maybe you hadn’t truly found your rhythm...

Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business?

Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business?

Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business? As a coach, creator, or online expert, could you be using Pinterest to grow your audience and make more money in your business?  As a Pinterest marketing educator, I get asked this question All. The. Time. ...

Why is Pinterest More Low-Maintenance Than Social Media?

Why is Pinterest More Low-Maintenance Than Social Media?

I hear a lot of coaches and experts say, "Pinterest marketing? Oh, I couldn't POSSIBLY add another social media platform to my already-jammed 'to-do' list."  Are you buying into this myth, too? (That Pinterest is like a whole ‘nother social channel?)  Eeeek. You...

How to Start Using Pinterest for Business: Your Questions Answered!

How to Start Using Pinterest for Business: Your Questions Answered!

Wondering how to start Pinterest for business marketing? You’re not the only one. Every day I get questions for entrepreneurs who are soooooo ready to set up a Pinterest marketing profile and strategy - but are a bit lost when it comes to exactly how. I’ve been...

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.