Pinterest released its 2021 Trends report this month – and it was a barn burner for online coaches! As I was taking it all in, I was literally gasping with excitement every five seconds.
Gasping and scribbling note after note in my fancy schmancy notebook.
…Well, I was thinking of you, Ms. Ambitious Online Coach!
This year’s report included some insights that you’re *definitely* going to want to pay attention to. It called out some specific searches and specific topics that are going to trend in 2021… and so many of them underscore that:
- Pinterest has truly become a hub of info and inspiration around all types of wellness and self development; and that
- Women are searching on Pinterest for the things YOU help with and teach about – through your coaching programs.
Before I jump into the details of the trends, let me tell you a bit about this report – which is actually titled, “Pinterest Predicts.”
Every December, they look at what search terms they see trending, and they use those to predict what searches are going to dominate in the following year.
(They have been right more than 90% of the time – even for 2020, which was the kind of year no one could have predicted. In 2020, the only search trend Pinterest predicted that they weren’t right about? Responsible travel. <—- I mean, no one knew in Dec of 2019 that that wouldn’t be in the 2020 cards, right?)
The point is… If they are saying it will be a big topic on Pinterest, they are likely right. They know their stuff!
Okay, now let’s look at some of these juicy 2021 predictions and trends…
Let’s start with the Business-to-Business (B2B) coaches! (those who help business owners with something in their businesses.)
Or, you can jump to the section that most interests you:
- Pinterest Trends Business Coaches & B2B Online Service Providers Need to Know About
- Pinterest Trends Health, Wellness & Self Care Coaches Need to Know About
- Pinterest Trends Manifestation Coaches Need to Know About
- Pinterest Trends Parenting Coaches Need to Know About
***Many stats in this article are sourced from the report “Pinterest Predicts 2021.”
Pinterest Trends Business Coaches & B2B Online Service Providers Need to Know About
2020 has brought our society a lot of changes… But one of the most marked shifts we’ve seen the pandemic (and other life-altering 2020 events) cause? The shift to the remote work and remote learning models.
And now that “work from home” is a mainstream thing… (People now know it can be done, right? Zoom works, People! We told you so!) … so many women are coming to the realization that they can start businesses (even if they never really thought of themselves as entrepreneurial).
So, here’s what Pinterest’s 2021 Trends Report said about searches about entrepreneurship:
“CEO is the new DIY… Pinners will tap into their entrepreneurial side and use Pinterest to bolster their biz. Branding strategies, podcast tips and small business ideas will all be high in demand this year.”
☝🏽 OMG, right?
Pinterest is embracing the entrepreneurs. (This is where I started the joyful gasping and the crazy note-taking.)
And here are some of the 2020 search stats that Pinterest cited – those that triggered them predict this:
📈 Searches on Pinterest for “branding your business” are up 105% year-over-year.
📈 Searches for “entrepreneur motivation” are up 200%.
📈 Searches for “podcast design” are up 130%. (<— Heads up, podcast managers!)
📈 Searches for “small business ideas” are up 90%.
📈 Searches for “accounting basics” are up 150%.
Traditionally, coaches and service providers in the B2B niches have found that they *absolutely* can grow their audiences and attract clients using Pinterest – but it often takes longer to gain traction (as compared to those in business to consumer niches).
… But I think that’s starting to shift. I wouldn’t be surprised if my B2B students and clients start to see pretty significant surges in growth on Pinterest in 2021!
Keep this in mind, too: If you don’t see “your thing” on the list above, that doesn’t mean it’s not trending. Au contraire… This is an indicator that a lot of business-related searches will blow up in 2021. These are just a few that Pinterest shared as examples to support their predictions.
(PS – Want to go down a WFH Pinterest rabbit hole? Search there for “cloffice.” 😍 But, wait! Finish this blog first!!!)

Pinterest Trends Health, Wellness & Self Care Coaches Need to Know About
The trends around health, wellness, and self care topics are exciting – but didn’t surprise me quite as much. Because, over the past few years, Pinterest has truly become a hub for all things wellness, self care & self development.
The 2021 Trends Report gave us some interesting new stats… and backed up what we already know: More and more, women are searching on Pinterest for ways to invest in their health and self.
A few new insights from the Trends Report:
📈 Searches on Pinterest for “before sleep workout” are up 300% – year over year.
📈 Searches for “night affirmations sleep” are up 90%.
📈 Searches for “glowing skin how to get naturally” are up 400%.
As in most years, January of 2021 will likely see the usual uptick in searches that have trended in past years, too, like:
📈 “home workouts”
📈 “healthy weight loss”
📈 “self care morning routines”
📈 “motivation to exercise”
Yep… The “New Year, New Me” crowd is ready to get their Pinterest searching on. They’ll be looking for the ideas, inspiration, and help they need to keep those New Year’s resolutions!
One special thing to note: In March of 2020, we saw these types of searches (especially those related to home workouts, stress management and self care) go waaaaayyyyyyyy up. (See the spike in the Trends chart below? That one shows “home workouts” skyrocketing between March 10 and March 24, 2020, as you might imagine… )
So, keep that in mind when you evaluate your 2021 Pinterest performance. This year we may actually see a year-over-year (2020 to 2021) decrease in searches around these topics.
BUT – they will still likely be higher than they were in 2019.

Pinterest Trends Manifestation Coaches Need to Know About
When I read this excerpt from the report, it made me go, “Hmmmmmm…”:
“Get your manifestation journals ready. As Pinners get in touch with their magical side, alternative spiritual methods will enter the mainstream.”
(But it’s still quite telling!)
While I’m not sure the person who wrote this really understands what law of attraction and manifestation coaches teach… 😉 (I’d love to see them make the very real connection between neuroscience and results here…)
…I do love them recognizing the fact that women are searching for these things more.
And the 2020 stats that Pinterest cites to support the prediction are cool! They point out that:
📈 Searches on Pinterest for “manifestation techniques” are up 105% – year over year.
📈 Searches for “visualize your highest self” are up 55%.
📈 Searches for “full moon bath ritual” are up 90%.
📈 Searches for “protection crystals” are up 100%.
So, a couple of take-aways here:
If you’re incorporating manifestation into your coaching practice – and you want to attract women who want to leverage it – this is a good indicator for your Pinterest marketing results in 2021!
And… If you lean toward “woo,” in your business, you’ll be in good company on Pinterest this coming year!
Pinterest Trends Parenting Coaches Need to Know About
2020 certainly changed the face of parenting. More than ever, moms and dads became entertainers, cooks, coaches, and – of course – teachers! (And guidance counselors, too.)
As a result, one of the things Pinterest predicts will happen in 2021:
“Parents will school their kids in mindfulness, moral lessons and real-world teachings. Because the Pythagorean theorem will only get you so far.”
Here’s why Pinterest predicts this:
📈 Searches on Pinterest for “mindfulness activities for children” are up a whopping 300% year-over-year.
📈 Searches for “teaching kids manners” are up 145%.
📈 Searches for “stories with moral lessons” are up 300% too.
So, the parenting coaches and those in the family niches might want to lean into creating content (and pins!) to support people who are searching for these things!
Are you set up to attract clients on Pinterest?
It is said that people will pay for help with only three things:
✔️ Health
✔️ Wealth
✔️ Relationships
As an online coach, you are likely helping women improve in one of these main categories (and they overlap, of course!)
More than ever, I’m convinced (by the predictions in the December report this year) that Pinterest is the place women are going to look for help, ideas, inspiration – in all three categories.
So, it begs the question: Are you marketing on Pinterest?
Is your Pinterest profile set up to attract women searching for the things you offer and help with?
If your answer is YES!... Amazing! Go, You! You are set up for some phenomenal coaching practice growth (and increase Pinterest lead generation!) for 2021.
Because Pinterest as a platform is growing. And, as the number of monthly active pinners grows, the variety of things women are searching for there grows, too.
Bottom line:
If you’re telling yourself that Pinterest is just about wedding ideas,
recipes, and mason jar crafts… You’re missing out.
So, If your answer to the above is NO… (You’re not set up strategically on Pinterest – and not marketing there yet…) then I invite you to get started with my free on-demand Pinterest Masterclass…
The 5 Secrets for Using Pinterest
to Grow Your Audience and Attract Clients
In it, you’ll learn:
✔️ how Pinterest works for coaches, course creators, and service providers
✔️ why Pinterest is not “another social media channel” – but rather a low-maintenance way to attract perfect client leads – even if you previously thought your niche “wasn’t on Pinterest.”
✔️ what YOU know to set it up to make you money – in 2021 and beyond!
The Masterclass is the perfect place to start – and it’s totally FREE!
Add your email below and I’ll send you a message with the exclusive link.