If you’re looking for a Pinterest cover photo template – I’ve got you covered. (😉 See what I did there?)
Yes… It’s official! Pinterest has phased OUT the “old” profile cover collages.
Pinterest now prompts us to “upload an image.” So, now you’ll want to choose a single image to serve as your Pinterest cover photo.
So, what’s the new Pinterest cover photo size?
The basic answer is: a 16:9 image. And in a JPG or PNG format. According to Pinterest, cover images:
- Must be at least 800 pixels wide x 450 pixels tall
- Using a horizontal image with a 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended
BUT, I’ll do you one better 😉 and provide you with a little strategy advice here…
AND… spoiler alert!! ——> A free Pinterest cover photo template for you, too. (One that is perfect for online coaches, course creators, and service providers that are promoting their offers on Pinterest!)
(If you just came to swipe the template, add your info below – and I’ll send you access now:)
Why I created a Pinterest Cover Photo Template with a CTA.
I’ve been seeing trends that indicate Pinterest is encouraging pinners to check out your profile more these days. So, for my own Pinterest account, I’m trying out a Call to Action on my cover photo.
I added a CTA to register for my free masterclass.
So, my cover photo looks like this now:

And, here’s what a Pinterest cover image looks like on my profile:
(This one is an alternate version.)

And… I Created a Canva Pinterest Cover Photo Template for You!
If you’d like to give this format a try, I’ve created a free Canva template for you – to save you time trying to make one from scratch.
Its dimensions and text placement are optimized for the “new” cover photo look. You can easily change out the fonts, colors, and image to match your brand.
Note: When I created mine, I included a Call to Action to register for my free masterclass, but you can use any CTA you’d like to… Ideas for you…
… A CTA to your “Services” or “Work with me” page?
… to your blog?
… to your online shop?
… You could even test out a booking link.
PRO TIP: Remember, the link won’t be clickable, so ideally, make it easy to remember and/or type in to a browser tab. 🙂 (like mine: JanaOMedia.com/FreeClass)
Okay, so grab the template here. Add your info and I’ll email you the link now.
Thanks for reading!
Oh… and last thing…. If you found this quick blog post helpful, please consider pinning it 📌 to your “Pinterest Marketing” board – or any board you’re curating that’s relevant!