Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business? As a coach, creator, or online expert, could you be using Pinterest to grow your audience and make more money in your business?
As a Pinterest marketing educator, I get asked this question All. The. Time.
Just yesterday, in fact, a health coach came to one of my Clubhouse rooms and said,
“I’ve been hearing so much about Pinterest. A fitness coach in my mastermind is using it to get clients. And I follow a creator who has a “journaling for mental health” course – and she uses Pinterest to sell more courses, too. BUT, I’m still a little stuck with understanding if MY business would be a fit for Pinterest marketing.”
If this (or something similar!) has been on your mind lately, you have landed in just the right place. In this post, I’m giving you three questions to ask yourself – when considering Pinterest as a platform.
Essentially, these questions will serve as three filters that you can use to help determine whether Pinterest marketing could work for you – and would be a good fit for your business.
Ready? Let’s (finally!) get you some answers…
1. Is your ideal audience (ICA) spending time on Pinterest?
The first thing I want you to consider when you’re trying to decide whether Pinterest is a good place for you is this: Is your ideal audience using Pinterest?*
(*I know. You’ve heard this one before, right? Well, no conversation about whether Pinterest is a good marketing platform would be complete without this one. So we need to address it. But, questions 2 and 3 will be things you probably haven’t heard of before… 😉)
Let’s look at some Pinterest stats to help us answer this question.
- 77% of people on Pinterest identify as female right now. (Source: Statista)
- Around 46% of US female adults use Pinterest regularly. (Source: Statista)
- 40% of US mothers who use the internet use Pinterest. (Source: eMarketer)
- 34% of Pinterest users earn between $50,000 and $75,000 a year.(Source: Ignite Study)
Takeaways here: Pinterest is mostly women, and users have a higher than average annual income (AAI) – as compared to users of other (social media) platforms.
($50-75K might not sound crazy-impressive as a stand-alone number, but when you compare it to the average incomes across other platforms – like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc… Pinterest AAI is a LOT higher.
Over here at Jana O. Media, I work with a lot of online coaches [health and wellness coaches, relationship coaches, style coaches…] My done-for-you offers, coaching offers, and my course are geared toward them. And, generally speaking, the ideal clients for coaches have a little bit of extra discretionary income – so these stats are pretty relevant.)
The above figures are just a few that I pulled out. They’re the ones I think are most helpful – at a high level – for understanding who’s on Pinterest. But if you want to go deeper, head to the Omnicore Roundup Post: Pinterest by the Numbers. It’s chock-full of fascinating data that will help you decide if Pinterest is a good marketing platform for your business.
I also address some of these stats – and help you know why they’re important – in my free Pinterest marketing masterclass. <<< Grab access to this free training at this link!
Okay, so bottom line here… If your ideal audience is primarily females with discretionary income, then Pinterest might be a good fit for you.
Let’s move on to the other two (also important, and somewhat more interesting!) questions at hand…
(Pssssst…. You can also 📌 pin this article for reference to your “Pinterest marketing” board:)

2. Are you committed to an attraction marketing model; to creating valuable content?
The number two question I would want you to ask yourself when you’re wondering if Pinterest is a good fit for your businesses is this: Am I committed to an attraction marketing model?
Are you practicing more of the “pull marketing” in your business? Or more of the “push marketing?”
It’s critical that you consider this – because Pinterest marketing works better for people who practice “pull marketing.”
Some people will call this “attraction marketing.” Others refer to it as a “feminine approach to marketing” or even “content-centered marketing.” I’ll describe what all this means in a sec, but I want to make this clear:
I am not here to judge or choose which one is right for you – push marketing or pull marketing.
I know which one is right for me, but that’s just me. Everyone is different, and I know plenty of amazing coaches and creators – awesome humans whom I adore – who use more of a push marketing dynamic in their business. And that’s a-okay! 👌🏼
So, what are examples of “push marketing” for online coaches and creators?
One example is selling in the DMs – in Instagram DMs for example. You’re identifying people whom you consider to be good prospects for what you offer, and you’re starting conversations with them with the intent to offer them your services – if the conversation indicates they are interested.
In this model, coaches might also be getting people on calls using direct messages – and the goal might be to book as many as 10 or 20 sales calls per week (or more).
And here’s the thing:
A system based on this personal outreach model – where you’re going out and finding people to sell to, then making your case, getting them on a call… This likely will not work well with Pinterest.
The main reasons:
a) For most people, when they go to Pinterest, it’s “me time” for them. They are there for inspiration and ideas to do, buy, and try. (As an aside, we loooove that about Pinterest – because users are open-minded and literally looking for ways to spend their time and money to improve themselves in some way!)
b) As a result, pinners aren’t really looking to have conversations on the platform. So, there isn’t a lot of commenting or DM-ing happening on Pinterest.
Okay, so then what *DO* we do to attract clients using Pinterest?
We create content that pulls the right people in. In other words, we practice “pull marketing” – or “attraction marketing.” (They’re the same thing. 🙂 )
On Pinterest, we have to first inspire them – and then connect to them as humans.
And we do that with content. 👈🏻
Content =
- Tips that position you as an expert in your field.
- Things to try – to help them gain traction toward the big result they desire.
- New ways to think of things.
- Stories that demonstrate that you understand their fears and frustrations – and what they really want instead.
- Encouragement and inspiration to show them they can trust themselves to show up and do the work to change…
- Offers to work with you and/or purchase a paid offer you have that can help them
That’s content.
(For more on this, check out this blog post of mine: What is a content strategy?)
But I digress… So, back to the main question at hand:
Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business?
The point here is that the answer might be YES if you are committed to creating high-quality content, inspiring people, and attracting them into your funnel.*
(*BTW, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to have a formal funnel – although I love formal funnels, and I am an advocate for them. Everybody has some kind of funnel, even if it’s an informal funnel.)
And conversely, if you don’t create much content, and you rely on the “push marketing” tactics to get clients and buyers – Pinterest probably isn’t a good fit for your business.
Okay, so now we know this:
To make Pinterest marketing work for you, you’ll have to be committed to investing time in creating high-value content.
Next up, to further help you decide if Pinterest is a good marketing platform for your business… let’s look at Question #3. (It’s a CRITICAL one!)
3. Are people searching on Pinterest for the things you offer?
Time and time again, when a coach or creator asks me, “Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for my type of business?” – the answers to this one question really reveal it all. It’s probably the most powerful question of the three.
Let’s talk about why – and then I’m going to share with you HOW you can find your answers to this all-important question.
First, why is this important? Because…
Pinterest is a search engine. Your goal as a Pinterest marketer will be this: You want to have your content show up when pinners search for the things that you help with and teach about.
So this means when pinners search for…
- the things you sell
- the problems you solve and/or the solutions you provide
- the things you create content about
- the things you are an expert around
- the things you offer – through your free offers and paid offers…
… you want them to find YOU.
So, that’s why it’s critical to know… Are your people – your ideal audience – searching for what you offer on Pinterest?
Now, let’s clear up a big misconception that MIGHT get in the way of you making a good decision here…
Some people still think (erroneously) that Pinterest is simply a place where people search for crafts, recipes, wedding ideas…
But it is most certainly not *only* about those things anymore.
The platform has nearly 4x’d in size (as defined by average monthly users of the platform) since 2016. And as the platform has grown, the variety of things that people are searching for has also grown tremendously.
Here’s just a TINY sampling of searches that are popular on Pinterest.
(Note: I’ve drawn from the keyword research that I have personally done for clients and students. If you’re curious to see a more comprehensive list of trending Pinterest keywords in the health and wellbeing space, check out this post.)
- investment tips
- passive income ideas
- increase metabolism for women
- weight loss plans
- stop sugar cravings
- healthy eating at work
- how to debloat
- conquering anxiety naturally
- stress relief for high achieving women
- self love goals
- confidence building
- your nervous system and trauma
- healthy marriage tips
- hormone health for women
- hormone balancing diet
- adrenal health
- PMS relief
- gut health recipes
- intuitive eating
- mindfulness activities
- setting boundaries in relationships
- self care for entrepreneurs
Pretty eye-opening, right? (Reminder: This is a fraction of what is being searched.) So, the point is this:
Don’t assume that your things are NOT being searched on Pinterest.
Instead, you should check to see if they are. ✔️✔️✔️
And… great news! I can actually help you do just that. In my free Pinterest marketing masterclass, one of the many useful things I show you is this:
👉🏼 … how some of my clients and students went on Pinterest and did some light research – to determine if people were indeed searching for the things they offer and coach around.
(Scroll down just a bit to get access to the training – for free!)
Okay. So, the third question I want you to ask yourself (when you’re trying to evaluate if you should invest in Pinterest marketing – or if Pinterest Marketing is right for your business) is… Are your people searching for your things on Pinterest?
And now we know that you can answer this question for yourself by doing some research on Pinterest – and it’s pretty simple to do. (You just have to know how to do it, and I will show you how in the masterclass.)
So… Do you feel more informed having read this blog post?
Do you feel like you have a good idea of how to answer the title question… “Is Pinterest a good marketing platform for your business?”
To summarize, here are the three questions to ask yourself:
- Is your ideal audience spending time on Pinterest?
- Are you committed to an attraction marketing (or a “pull marketing”) model?
- Are people searching on Pinterest for what you offer and help with?
If you think maybe it’s a “yes!” for your business, here’s the next step for you:
A great place to start is that FREE Pinterest marketing masterclass I keep mentioning 😆 … It’s titled, “The 5 Secrets for Using Pinterest to Get Clients.”
In this high-value session, I pull back the curtain on how to use Pinterest in a way that will actually grow your business and make you money.
You’ll learn how to…
- Ditch the overwhelm that comes from aaaaaallll the Pinterest advice you’re hearing.
- Know what to focus on – and what not to waste your time on – so you can generate a steady stream of quality, targeted leads for your offers.
- Set yourself up for long-term, consistent sales – and even for success with those passive income offers you’re planning!
- Figure out what your ideal clients are really searching for – and get them to pay attention to you – on Pinterest!
Ready? Sign up here – for FREE! Add your name and a good email address, and I’ll send you access within minutes.