I hear a lot of coaches and experts say, “Pinterest marketing? Oh, I couldn’t POSSIBLY add another social media platform to my already-jammed ‘to-do’ list.”
Are you buying into this myth, too? (That Pinterest is like a whole ‘nother social channel?)
Eeeek. You are??? … Then you’re missing out on the easeful, passive visibility, audience growth, and revenue that the platform drives for coaches and service providers.
Because here’s the real deal:
Pinterest is waaayyyy more low-maintenance than social media – because it’s actually a search engine (not social media).
So actually… adding Pinterest can actually TAKE THINGS OFF your to-do list.
Yes, you read that right… 🤣
Because you can get Pinterest set up for your business, park your content there — and let it work for you in the background to attract clients.
So it makes your marketing easier.
There are three main reasons why this is the case – and I’m reviewing them in this blog post!
Read on to discover…
(You can keep reading, or click on any of these links to jump to that section.)
Curious? (I’ll bet!) Okay, let’s get into it…
1. Time-consuming engagement is not required for a winning Pinterest marketing strategy.
Because pinners go to Pinterest for “me time,” they are NOT expecting conversation. They’re there looking for ideas and inspiration.
(Remember, Pinterest isn’t social media – at its core. It’s still a search and discovery platform. Users go there to get their next great idea – like how to write a dating profile… how to use a booty band, or how to make a low-carb pizza crust. They’re not there to see what others are doing and chat with them.)
Because people aren’t going to Pinterest to be social and interact, it’s *not* necessary to spend hours each week on engagement – like it is on Instagram or other social media channels. (More on that below…)
Sure, people do sometimes comment on Pinterest pins… but it’s just not the “norm” on Pinterest – nor is it expected. (And it’s pretty questionable in 2023/2024 as to whether it helps at all with reach, so it’s not worth investing time in trying to get others to comment, or to leave any comments yourself.)
👉🏼 So, time-consuming engagement* is not required for Pinterest marketing success.
Meanwhile, over on Instagram…
Have you heard of the ‘Dollar-Eighty” Instagram growth strategy? From what I understand, Gary Vee was the one who came up with it. This is how it works, according to dollareighty.com:
✔️ You comment on 90+ posts each day.
✔️ To do this, you add your feedback / ideas to 9 posts for 10 hashtags every day.
✔️ Your comments can NOT be simply a heart emoji or “Great pic!”- or this won’t work. The key is leaving thoughtful, meaningful, and real comments…
Wait … Every day? 😳 Am I the only one who feels TIRED JUST READING THAT?
I TOTALLY see how it could work… but I could NOT do that every day. I’m not even sure I could leave 90+ Instagram comments for more than ONE day in a row. (And I’m no stranger to hard work, but really?)
So, spending hours engaging on Pinterest? You can cross that OFF your to-do list.
And people don’t DM (direct message) much on Pinterest either, so you can remove that “check Pinterest inbox and reply to people” task, too. BOOM!
Okay, that felt good right? Now… how else is Pinterest more low-maintenance than social media? Keep reading to find out… 😉
(Pssssst…. You can 📌 pin this article for
reference to your “Pinterest marketing” board:)

2. A strong Pinterest strategy creates passive visibility for your business.
The second of the three reasons why Pinterest is lower maintenance than social media is this:
When used strategically Pinterest gives you passive visibility.
Again, this happens because Pinterest functions primarily as a search engine.
When you create a pin – whether it’s a standard pin or an idea pin – that pin can be discovered in people’s searches and smart feeds for months and years. And you only had to create it once.
Take my client Kim for example. Here’s a mini case study to explain how this works…
Kim’s a pelvic health coach, and she has a lead magnet quiz called, “Should you be doing kegel exercises?” She created a pin that gives some info about kegels – and calls women to action to take the quiz. On that pin, she used keywords like…
- should I do kegels?
- how to do a kegel exercise
- kegels for incontinence
- pelvic floor exercises
- are kegels safe during pregnancy?
Let’s say she created that pin in March of 2021. Women who search for those (and similar) keywords in April, May… and for months and years after… can find her pin and take her quiz (thereby getting onto her email list / into her funnel).
(And all of this can happen when Kim is doing other things… Client sessions, working out, vacation planning, napping… whatever! 😀)
Remember, Pinterest search feeds are NOT chronological. When people search for things, Pinterest serves up pins based more on “relevancy” than on recency.
So… Point is… Because Pinterest is a search engine, you can pin something once. Then it can get discovered in people’s searches and feeds for months – and even for years – when they search for what you offer.
And that means passive visibility for your content and offers.
(Be sure to optimize your profile, boards, and pins for search – so that this can happen for you!)
Okay, next up… Reason #3 that Pinterest is more low-maintenance than social media…
3. You can repurpose content that you already have to Pinterest.
The third main reason that Pinterest is lower-maintenance than social media? It’s easy to repurpose your Instagram, Tiktok, or blog content to Pinterest.
(Or content you’re creating anywhere, really. I teach a lot about repurposing from these three platforms to Pinterest, but the possibilities are really endless.)
Since you’re already working hard to create content on other platforms (especially if it’s video-based content like reels, IG stories, or Tiktoks), you can absolutely put a workflow into place to repurpose that content over to Pinterest.
And when you do that, you can get discovered by a whole new audience… without completely re-inventing the wheel, and without burning out. You can benefit from the awesome power of Pinterest (as highlighted in reason #2 above) to give your content more passive visibility.
Now, before you start to imagine that this is “too good to be true,” let me just share a couple of key things.
When repurposing to Pinterest, it’s critical that you do it in a way that is:
- Platform-appropriate; and
- Strategic.
Basically, that means understanding what people come to Pinterest for (for ideas and inspiration; things to try, do, and buy). And it means creating content that gives them those ideas.
And it means understanding that Pinterest is a search engine – and taking the time to find and use the right keywords on your pins. Because if you ignore the keyword part of the strategy, you’ll end up spending time on repurposing – but you likely won’t get found by the right audience…
(Remember that tree falling in the woods? And no one is there to hear it? That will be you if you skip the keyword strategy on Pinterest! Womp womp.)
All that being said… If you know what you’re doing, you can easily put streamlined workflows into place that allow you to repurpose your existing content onto Pinterest. So, you won’t have to create content for an entirely new platform.
In conclusion…
Adding Pinterest marketing to your repertoire is NOT (I repeat, not! 📣) like adding “a whole ‘nother social media platform” into the mix. Pinky promise.
Pinterest is waaaayyyyy more low-maintenance – because it’s a search engine. And that means…
- Time-consuming social engagement is NOT needed for success on Pinterest
- Pinning your things results in passive visibility for your content and offers
- You can repurpose content you’ve already created – and get found by a whole new audience without adding to your content creation to-do’s.
Are you ready to set things up so YOU can see those juicy results from Pinterest – with less effort?
If you’re an online coach or service provider, a great place to start is by learning my 5 Secrets for Using Pinterest to Get Clients.
I reveal them all in my FREE Masterclass, and you can access it below! 🎉
In this free and valuable session, I’m pulling back the curtain on how to use Pinterest the right way.
You’ll learn how to…
- Ditch the overwhelm that comes from aaaaaallll the Pinterest advice you’re hearing.
- Know what to focus on – and what not to waste your time on – so you can generate a steady stream of quality, targeted leads for your offers.
- Set yourself up for long-term, consistent sales – and even for success with those passive income offers you’re planning!
- Figure out what your ideal clients are really searching for – and get them to pay attention to you – on Pinterest!
Ready? Sign up here – for FREE! Add your name and a good email address, and I’ll send you access immediately.