Do you wonder if you’re focusing on the right things – with Pinterest marketing? 🤔

Or maybe you haven’t gotten started yet – because you feel overwhelmed by it. (You know your audience is there, and you know that other coaches and service providers are getting clients using the platform… but it seems like there are so many things to do on Pinterest, right?) 

In either case, I think this advice will help… (and maybe change how you see Pinterest marketing!) 

Keep it simple, Sally. 💋  (K.I.S.S.)

One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches and service providers make (when leveraging Pinterest for business to grow their audiences and get clients) is that they try to do #AlltheThings – right away. 

For example, take Pinterest group boards… Women who’ve had success marketing in Facebook groups often mistake these as Pinterest’s equivalent. They so aren’t! You can read more about my strong opinions on the matter over here… but the reader’s digest version is that group boards are a distraction. They often keep people from focusing on the critical pieces of a Pinterest strategy.  

Other perilous distractions include adding hashtags, organizing boards into neat sections, pinning loads of pins from other accounts… and more. There’s always some new shiny Pinterest object to pursue. 

(But you won’t let these things distract you… and derail you from following the sure-fire process for building a Pinterest account that builds your audience… ‘Cause you’re a smart cookie…)

So, what should you be focusing on – to get clients using Pinterest?

For at least the first year on the platform (Yes! A whole year!), your highest priorities with Pinterest need to be these… 

Focus on mastering:  

  1. Keywords; and 
  2. Creating pins that stop the scroll and convert. 

So why keywords?

Pinterest is a search engine. Its algorithm uses keywords to match your content with pinners’ searches and interests.  So, when a woman is searching for solutions and ideas, and your content and offers can help… she can discover the solutions you offer through your content, freebies, and paid services/products!

Just picture how this translates to real people, conducting real searches… Right now, there is a woman (and likely dozens of women, in truth) searching on Pinterest for the things you help with. Keywords are the way to get those women to discover what you offer. 

(👆🏻 Powerful, right?) 

Next up… Why focus on the visuals – creating pins? Read on, Lovely…

And why focus on creating great pins?

Your Pinterest pins are the gateway for that woman – the one who searched for your thing just now! 

When your pin comes up in her search (or her smart feed) it’s important that we get her to take notice of it. We need to stop her scroll. Then we need to quickly let her know this info is for her – and can solve her problem.

Of course – a lot of this is not specific to Pinterest marketing, right? As coaches, service providers, course creators, we are on a constant quest to do this on all platforms. But, on Pinterest, the main way we do this is through the visuals – because it’s a visual platform. 

So, if you’re finding yourself spending too much time on tasks like… 

  • sifting through Youtube videos to learn what to do on Pinterest 
  • organizing your pins into neat sections (waste o’ time!) 
  • applying for group boards that don’t help your account (outdated strategy!)
  • pinning tons of other peoples’ content
  • researching and adding hashtags to pin descriptions (or anywhere on Pinterest) 

…then STOP 🛑 – today! 

Instead, re-focus only on the basics – Keywords and Pins that Convert. 

Once you’ve mastered these two – and you have an easy monthly workflow in place that allows you to be consistent over time – then (and only then!) you can consider layering in other tactics. 

(But – to be crystal clear – you really don’t ever have to add tactics! You can generate leads and clients using Pinterest – with just these basics. I have plenty of clients and students who’ve done this. Pinky promise!) 

Ready to learn more – and to set yourself for lead generation success with Pinterest? … Then you’ll want to check out… 


The 5 Secrets for Getting Clients- Using Pinterest! 📌
for online coaches & service providers

Enroll to learn how to… 

✔️  Ditch the overwhelm that comes from aaaaaallll the Pinterest advice you’re hearing.

✔️  Learn more about what to focus on – (and what not to waste your time on!) – so you can generate a steady stream of quality, targeted leads for your offers.

✔️  Figure out what your ideal clients are really searching for – and get them to pay attention to you on Pinterest!

✔️  Set yourself up for long-term, consistent sales – and even for success with those passive income offers you’re planning! 

Ready? Sign up here – for FREE – and learn the secrets! 👇👇👇

Free Pinterest for Business Masterclass for Coaches