On a Saturday morning in early 2023, I woke up earlier than my husband, and brewed a strong cup of coffee. Then I did something that honestly shocked me. 🤣
I used a weird little tool called ChatGPT to write a high-quality blog post for my site – in just 90 minutes.
(In the past, it had taken me about six hours to write each one of my carefully-crafted blog posts for my Pinterest consulting business. So 90 minutes had me like 😲 and 🤩 and 🤯.)
Then my hubby and dog woke up, and it was time to go to our local diner for breakfast. Over omelets, I excitedly told my husband about the early morning writing sesh.
Then…when I got home, want to know what I did?
I did it all again.
I wrote a second jaw-droppingly good blog post using ChatGPT.
And this time it took me 87 minutes. (Could’ve had something to do with the second coffee I had a the diner, but still… Wow.)
Then, I did something ELSE that shocked me. (Yes again!)
But wait… I’m getting waaaayyyyyy ahead of myself.
So let’s back up for a sec. And then we’ll circle back to what happened next… after this big “ah-ha” moment morning I had that day…
Where I started: Supporting coaches with profitable content.
As a Pinterest Expert and Content Strategist, for the last seven years, I’ve helped countless coaches and other online experts leverage Pinterest to generate leads and boost sales.
Along the way, through marketing my own Pinterest consultancy and courses – and during a 5-year stint as a content manager for Kaye Putnam, the brilliant brand strategy coach – I’ve learned a lot about profitable, high-leverage content.
Meaning… I’ve really mastered (if I do say so myself! 😉) the essentials of creating profitable content for a coaching and course creation business.
As I continued to work with coaches and experts, I’ve *ALSO* realized they often face a lot of challenges when it comes to content creation:
So often, they’re incredibly skilled at coaching clients and they possess valuable knowledge… But they struggle to turn their experiences and insights into engaging content.
And many felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content needed across various platforms, from blog posts to emails and social media posts. (Content creation is time-consuming, ammmiiiright? And many coaches simply don’t have the hours to spare – especially when they have clients to coach and families to love on.)
Plus, they often don’t know which content ideas are even going to be most effective for attracting clients and generating sales.
And finally… on top of it all, there’s the dreaded BLANK SCREEN obstacle! 😫 Many of my coach clients really struggle when trying to start content with a blank screen – feeling the pressure to create content from scratch.
Okay, now… Let’s circle back to my mindset on that coffee-fueled morning when e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g changed!
I was initially skeptical about ChatGPT!
Starting around January of 2023, I was becoming more aware of ChatGPT. Open AI had made AI writing accessible (and free!) for everyone. And it was a big deal. (Bigger than I even realized at the time!)
By February, all the cool kids were talking about it.
But I was skeptical about it at first – and skeptical about all AI tools for writing.
I assumed they would be just as time-consuming as creating content from scratch. I was prreeeetttty sure that the content it would write wasn’t going to “sound like me.” And TBH, I questioned the ethics of it all.
(Spoiler alert… You know what “assume” stands for, right? 😜… My assumptions were wrong on all three counts!)
However, regardless of my reservations, I was curious. And I had a couple of smart biz-besties who were really encouraging me to be open-minded and give it a go.
So on that fateful Saturday, I decided to give ChatGPT a try.
And what happened next changed everything.
ChatGPT reduced my content creation time by 75%.
I used it to outline and write a blog post. And to my surprise, I was *FLOORED* at how good the results were.
To bring the copy up to my standards, I *DID* have to ask the tool lots of follow-up questions. I also had to give it more context – to improve the quality and the uniqueness of what it generated for me.
I also had to do some rewrites – for sure. And I added things that the tool just didn’t know. (Because I’m the expert!)
But in the end, I had a ready-to-post blog post in 90 minutes flat – when it normally takes me about SIX HOURS to write one. 🤯
After spending a few days perfecting other prompts and ways to use ChatGPT in my content, it was official… I was hooked.
I began using ChatGPT for various other content types and continued to see excellent results.
I *knew* I had to share all these techniques and prompts I had figured out… and my course, Revolutionize Your Coaching Content with ChatGPT was born.
(I call it RCCC for short!)
Raving reviews from students…
Since launching the course, I’ve received incredible feedback from participants, who have experienced a significant increase in content creation efficiency.
They’ve praised the course for its prompt-writing techniques, easy-to-follow lessons, and the time-saving benefits it provides.
Here’s what Aurora said:
“I just got the course last night and I’m already stunned at how it’s speeding up my content creation.”
Jody wrote this:
“Hi, Jana, loved the ChatGTP course! I was very curious about it but had no idea how or where to start. Your course has given me a lot of inspiration and saves me so much time!”
And Wendy wrote this:
“Jana! I just tested out a bunch of the prompts and tips you gave in your ChatGPT course! You really have a knack for prompt writing that actually creates great content. I loved the trainings. I’ve added all of prompts and ideas into my prompt library so that I can continue to use them. ps… You should totally be charging more!”
So, yeah… People are loving RCCC – and creating better content, faster, because of what they are learning! (…which all has me like 🥰and 🤓and 🥹!)
*AND* I’ve also been getting some other eye-opening feedback, too…
(Pssssst…. You can 📌 pin this article for reference to your “ChatGPT Ideas” board:)

RCCC: the best place for coaches to learn ChatGPT for content!
Something else has become apparent, too…
Even though there are a lot of ways my students *could* learn how to use ChatGPT to create content – RCCC stands out head and shoulders from those other options. Here’s why:
✔️ It’s tailor-made for online coaches, course creators, consultants, and service providers. This means that the lessons, examples, and methods taught are specifically designed with your needs in mind, cutting out the fluff and making it a breeze to apply these strategies directly to your business. (No more sifting through generic advice that leaves you scratching your head!)
✔️ It emphasizes the ethical use of ChatGPT – while still harnessing its full potential for content creation. By teaching participants how to bring their own thought leadership to the table and utilize ChatGPT as a powerful tool to amplify their voice, I’m helping students maintain their authenticity and credibility.
This not only helps users feel confident in the content they produce but also fosters trust with their audience, which is vital for building a successful coaching business.
✔️ RCCC is packed with content strategy insights, too! It goes beyond just teaching ChatGPT techniques. It goes the extra mile by revealing some of my best content strategy secrets too. These insights help coaches and other experts create content that sells more effectively and lands them more perfect-fit clients.
Teaching coaches a skill with high lifetime value…
The future of content creation in the coaching and online business industry will continue to prioritize high-quality, engaging content that inspires future clients and showcases expertise.
AI tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the process, enabling us to create better content faster! This allows us to be more visible and present in our businesses – while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
For those reasons, it’s essential that coaches learn how to use ChatGPT to their advantage in their content creation process.
It has been my honor and pleasure to teach coaches and experts this ‘high lifetime value’ skill!
I’m so grateful that I listened to my smart(er) biz-friends and gave ChatGPT a shot on that fateful morning. I’m sure I would have learned it sooner rather or later… But I’m glad it was sooner!
If you’re a coach, course creator, or other type of online expert, I invite you to join RCCC and discover how ChatGPT can revolutionize your content creation strategy. It’s time to embrace this amazing advance – and start creating better content, faster!