How do you choose what visibility and social platforms

to be on? 🤷🏽‍♀️

As a Content Manager for Online Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators, I do believe in the traditional advice to choose 2 or 3 and ROCK them consistently… But, how do you choose which ones?

You often hear people say you should go where

your ideal client hangs out.

While I agree with this, too… I am starting to shift my thought on it a bit. 
Here’s the thing: Most of the major platforms (Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Youtube, PINTEREST!, Instagram…) have SO MANY USERS now that you will probably find your people there.
For example:  

So, how to choose your visibility and social media platforms? I say choose based on:

Which platforms you can automate and/or systemize (and feel great about it!); and

What you enjoy!



So, first, ask “What can I automate and/or systemize?”


Two Social media and visibility automation strategies to try:


(Note: Some links here are Affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I receive a small thank you credit or payment. But rest assured that I only recommend systems that use and love!)

➡️ 1. Maintain a Facebook robust page – with ease. You can automate most of the content, and then sprinkle in fresh (and re-purposed) content when you are inspired – or have timely information to share.

Here’s how I do this for my brand, and for clients:

The simple tool that I love using for automation of my Facebook page content is Recurpost. It’s a super straight-forward, user-friendly program. It allows you to create content libraries for various businesses and social channels, and to put those content banks on a loop. (Best thing ever!)

Recurpost has a free version, and I suggest you use it to set up a content bank for your page. I currently have a bank of 64 posts (and counting – the maximum for the free account is 100 posts). When I create a new evergreen post (for me, this is usually on my blog, or in a Facebook group,) I add a version of it to my Recurpost bank.

I have my bank scheduled to publish a post to my Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Some quick math will tell you that my bank completes and starts at the beginning again every 21 weeks. So, each post will be repeated roughly twice per year. (No one is going to notice that kind of repetition!)

Why re-invent the wheel? If you write something great, use it again (and again!). 

PS – This Recurpost strategy works great for LinkedIN, too! 

➡️ 2. Get Pinterest set up strategically and automate it to get leads. 


Readers of this blog know I’m a Pinterest Strategist for coaches and consultants… so no surprise here! 

Once set up optimally, Pinterest can be a powerful – and yet very low-maintenance – driver of traffic to your lead magnets and content. I love the platform for so many reasons. But my favorite thing about it is that pins are evergreen. When you create pins, they don’t just disappear in a fast-moving newsfeed. Great pins continue to generate traffic for months – and even years – to come.

If you want to truly leverage Pinterest, pinning everything manually won’t make sense. Configuring a scheduling tool is so important! I set clients up on Tailwind – which has a free trial, and is only $10 to $15 per month if you upgrade to a paid plan. (Of course, this easily pays for itself many times over.)

In November of 2018, Tailwind made the SmartLoop feature available to all Plus plan users, so automating the pinning of your content has never been easier. (It’s sort of crazy NOT to do this now!) This is how you will pin consistently (without actually being on Pinterest a lot!), and attract new ideal clients every day on auto-pilot.That means while you’re getting a pedi, having lunch with a girlfriend, or on a plane somewhere… your list is growing. And that is a beautiful thing!

Three Social media and visibility systemization strategies to try:


➡️ 1. Batch your content and pre-schedule it.

Most of the platforms now have good ways to pre-schedule. You can still post / pin / go live when you have “extra” things to say!

The benefits of batch-creating content are many. For me, I know I simply spend less time on content when I get in the zone and focus on it. (In this article, Josh Kaufman describes the “cognitive switching penalty” that we endure when we don’t group similar tasks together – such a good read!)

Tools I use for clients to pre-schedule (but not automatically loop content) include Buffer, and the native Facebook Scheduler (often overlooked – works great!) I’ve also heard great things about Planoly for Instagram, but I have not personally used it.

If you have an active Facebook Group strategy (in which you leverage other peoples’ groups by offering value and networking with potential clients), consider batch creating and then systemizing your posts. You can’t automate or schedule them, but you can do the heavy mental lifting in advance by creating most of your posts and adding them to a content bank. I suggest setting up a project in Asana (the free project management software) to house the content and create a schedule for your posts. This strategy has allowed me to show up consistently in Facebook groups, be helpful and engage, and to make offers when appropriate, too. 

 2. Repurpose those valuable videos and Facebook Lives!

If you are a person for whom words come more naturally when you are speaking / recording, rather than in writing… this is for you. You can record yourself creating the content verbally for a blog post and have a team member turn it into a piece of written content!

(Use Loom, audio recording, or any tool you like! Use Rev to create a transcript for your team to start with. – You’ll get a free $10 Rev credit to try it out if you use this link!)

I wrote a detailed blog post about exactly how I do this with my clients. (and it includes a free gift to help you get started!) Check it out here! 

➡️ 3. Create a system for engaging and posting promos in Facebook groups – and bank your content, so you can re-use your group posts! 

This is one of my favorites… Entrepreneurship can be lonely, right? Connecting with likeminded business owners in Facebook groups is so rewarding. The connections you make there – and the expertise you establish – can serve your business in so many ways. 

But, engaging and promoting in groups can also be quite time-consuming!

When I first discovered groups, I joined several and spent hours observing and engaging. (And it was fun… and still is!) After some time, I started posting my own questions and promos when appropriate as well.

But soon I found myself re-writing similar posts and responses over and over… forgetting to visit my favorite groups to answer questions and engage… hunting for “that thing I posted last week in X group”… I knew I needed a system if I wanted to be intentional and effective with this strategy. 

So, I created one – in Asana, of course (my project and task management system of choice!) And, you can actually swipe the EXACT workflow I set up to keep track of my posts and activities – in this totally FREE training that I created to share my system. I hope you’ll check it out. 


And, ask yourself this:

Where do you love to be online?

(And conversely, where do you not enjoy posting?)  


Remember this? “Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” (Confucius, I think?) 
If it doesn’t feel (SO MUCH 🙂 like work, you will be consistent with it. 🤓 And, that’s the key to success on any visibility platform.
➡️ So, if you love going live, re-purpose your lives for Youtube.
➡️ If you love conversation and engagement, spend time in Facebook groups adding value.
➡️ If you don’t want to feel pressure to engage, set up Pinterest and see it work its evergreen magic for you. (I can help with this!)
That’s my newest opinion. Maybe I’m just catching up. 🙂 But do what you love doing!