Pinterest monetization

Do you need a blog to be successful on Pinterest?

Do you need a blog to be successful on Pinterest?

When it comes to using Pinterest to get more eyes and ears on their content, attract clients, and sell more of their offers... people in my audience often have a 🔥 BURNING 🔥 question: Will I need a blog for Pinterest marketing? 🧐 Not kidding… I probably get this...

Pinterest Pins that Convert – 4 Real Examples from Online Coaches

Pinterest Pins that Convert – 4 Real Examples from Online Coaches

Just a quick post this week! I thought I'd share some "Pin-spiration!" (<---- See what I did there? 😉 You're likely quite used to me teaching and sharing about how to create Pinterest pins that... stop the scroll; and get the micro-conversion (meaning... get the...

4 Pinterest Marketing Systems to Get Results in 1 hour per Week!

4 Pinterest Marketing Systems to Get Results in 1 hour per Week!

One of my fave past clients, Andi, the fabulous online dating coach (you may know her from my course, Pinterest with Purpose!) had a pretty cool behind-the-scenes win early this year! She got about 1200 visits to her content and offers - from Pinterest - during Q2...

Pinterest Marketing Tip: Create Listicles to Attract Action-takers

Pinterest Marketing Tip: Create Listicles to Attract Action-takers

I’m coming at you with a really good Pinterest marketing tip today. And it can work well for Pinterest marketers in just about any niche… but I think it’s especially powerful for online coaches, course creators, and service providers. (You know, my people! 😉 ) And,...

How to Design Standard Pinterest Pins that Convert!

How to Design Standard Pinterest Pins that Convert!

I'm revising this blog post for early 2023... because something exciting is happening on Pinterest!   At long last, we are seeing standard pins make a comeback. 🤩 They are being shown to pinners again in their feeds and searches - and getting much higher impressions....

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.