I’m coming at you with a really good Pinterest marketing tip today. And it can work well for Pinterest marketers in just about any niche… but I think it’s especially powerful for online coaches, course creators, and service providers. (You know, my people! 😉 )
And, actually… this is a great strategy for content creation in general – but works especially well when paired with a strong Pinterest marketing strategy.
Ready? Let’s talk about…
The Listicle. 🎉
A Listicle is part list, part article. (LIST + ARTICLE = LISTICLE.) It’s an article (or a blog post, or video, or podcast episode…) that organizes steps or ideas into a quantitative list.
I’ve offered several examples below to inspire you… but here are a few examples to get the conversation here going…
➡️ 5 Simple Facebook Ads That Sell Online Courses on Autopilot
➡️ 7 Easy-to-Find-and-Prep Foods That Improve Your Gut Health
➡️ 3 Foolproof Ways to Avoid Breakups and Stay Happy in a Romantic Relationship
Pickin’ up what I’m putting down here? 😉 Read on to learn more…
——— In this post… (Click to jump to a section.)

Pinterest pinners love listicles… Well, actually everyone does!
People love listicles, as evidenced by the popularity of Buzzfeed and similar platforms. So why do they love them?
They feel actionable. When we see “5 Ways to ____” or “6 Easy Steps to Achieve ____”… we start imagining what those ways or steps could be, and – before we even know them – we imagine ourselves springing into action to get to that result!
Readers sense that your points will be easy to digest and implement. Yep, we also love structure. So, if we want that result… and you’re telling us that you’ve organized what we need to know to get it into some steps (or the like)… well, sign us up for that.
And, Psssst…. As coaches, course creators, and service providers… We <3 action-takers, right? We want to encourage new followers to try the things we’re offering (i.e. download a lead magnet and put it use… read our blog posts and try our solutions… join our Facebook groups and connect…) We want them to take the next step and go deeper with us, so we need them to try things! Offering actionable advice and ideas via a “listicle” is very much aligned with that goal!
Of course, these listicle-style articles make for GREAT, highly-clickable Pinterest pins!
As promised above, here are a few real examples to get your wheels turning, ➡️ courtesy of a few of my past Pinterest with Purpose students and clients…
Pins appear courtesy of…
- Nagina of MasalaBody.com
- Sarah from Bracken House Branding
- Tasha of TashaBooth.com
- Cassandra from Next Level Wardrobe
- Leah of LeahBorski.com
- Braden of UnF*ckYourBiz
More Listicle Ideas – Perfect for Online Coaches & Service Providers Marketing on Pinterest
Here’s a list of 11 “Mad-Libs” Style Listicle topic / title formulas you can consider using when you create yours… (Bring on the action-takers!)
The 10 Best Ways to _______(get the result she wants)_____ without ____(doing that thing she doesn’t want to have to do) ______________________
3 Stupid-Simple Steps for _____________________
The 5 ___________ I Used to ____(get that result she wants, too)____________
7 Ways to Maximize Your __________________________
5 _____________ That You Haven’t Thought of Yet
6 Brand New Strategies for ________________________
Ready for _______________________? Try These 3 Quick ______(Solutions / Ideas / Items)______
7 _______________ That Will Make You Forget Your Ever _______________________
My 3 Secret Tips for _____________________________
5 Non-negotiables for ________________________________
Expert Round-up: 7 ____________ Experts Spill Their Best Secrets for ________________________
3 Things You Should Never _________________ if you Want to _________________
Oops. I think that was twelve. I could go on. These are so much fun! But, moving on…
Pro Tip: Use odd numbers in your listicles!
It’s a weird fact, but it’s true… Odd numbers seem to convert better in titles.
According to Andrew Watts’ Medium article, “Odd numbers are one of three elements which psychologists and web content studies have shown can entice a website visitor to click on a headline and visit an article.”
(Watts cites research by George Loewenstein entitled “The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation (1994).” Watts sums it up by saying Loewenstein concludes that “humans are attracted to content which promises a short list of tips or insights on a subject the reader wishes to know more about or one which piques their interest.”)
So —> Choose an odd number and you stand a better chance of getting the attention of your reader – and spurring action.
Want to learn more about creating Pinterest pins that attract the action-takers and convert?
Here are a few blog posts you might also enjoy… Click on any of them to read and learn!
How to Inspire Pinterest Pinners With Things to “Try” (Even if You’re Not Pinning Recipes!)
How to Use Trending Keywords on Pinterest: The Ultimate Guide
58 Views on Instagram Vs. 19,000+ on Pinterest: My Repurposing Result
Pinterest Pin Title Ideas that Stop the Scroll & Get the Clicks!
75+ Pinterest Pin Calls to Action (CTAs) That Aren’t a Total SnoozeFest