Are you seeing some seriously sleek and well-branded Pinterest profiles out there… and wondering how to change Pinterest board covers? Perfect. Then this post is for you. (And I’m the Pinterest expert for you… because I love me some Pinterest board covers! 😍 In this...
Pinterest Marketing
What Really Gets People to Save, Click, or Buy – on Pinterest?
Hootsuite recently reported that a whopping 98% of Pinterest pinners report to have tried something that they found on Pinterest.* 😲 *(Source: 23 Pinterest Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2021; And, just last month Pinterest’s Audience post...
How to Make Money on Pinterest: 8 Ways Entrepreneurs Make Money Pinning!
Wondering how the pros actually make money on Pinterest? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, I’ve been noticing lately a lot of entrepreneurs are about as CLEAR as MUD 😉on how people are actually monetizing their efforts on the platform. So, in this post I’m going to...
What Does a Pinterest Business Account Look Like?
I see you! You've been wondering, What does a Pinterest business account look like? And maybe you'd really love to see one for an online coach who’s using Pinterest to attract clients? Perfect. You landed in the right place. In a previous blog post, I outlined the...
Pinterest Automation Software: My Tool of Choice
A little tired of doing everything manually and searching for Pinterest automation software? I’ve got you! In this post, I’m talking all things Pinterest automation and scheduling. And I’m going to be revealing my Pinterest scheduling tool of choice... Here’s what...
Pinterest Board Ideas & Resources for Beginners
If you’re looking for Pinterest board ideas and resources, you have just struck gold! 🤩 In this post, I’ll be offering you a slew of Pinterest board ideas and examples. (These will be specifically for health coaches, style coaches, and relationship coaches - but...
Should I be repinning other people’s pins on Pinterest? (as a marketer)
Should I be repinning other people's pins - as a Pinterest marketer? It’s a question I’m hearing a LOT recently. Understandably, there is some confusion around this topic. And part of the reason is that the general wisdom on this has changed somewhat over the last...
How to Claim Your Website on Pinterest!
Need a rundown on how to claim your website on Pinterest? I’ve got you! In this how-to post, I’m documenting the process I use to claim websites on Pinterest - when I’m setting up or re-optimizing an account for clients. I’m purposely keeping this post pretty...
The Pinterest Course that Helped Yvonne Optimize for Sustainable Lead Generation
Want some juicy, behind-the-scenes details about a *real* Pinterest account set up? What follows here 😉 is the story of a coach who started out knowing almost NOTHING about Pinterest marketing! And now, after enrolling in Pinterest with Purpose (my self-paced...
How to Clean Up Your Pinterest Boards to Attract Coaching Clients
Need to clean up your Pinterest boards… but not sure where to start? In this blog post, I’m going to outline the five steps to organize and clean up your Pinterest boards. Our goal here is to set you up with an account for your coaching or service-based business that...
Pinterest Business Account vs. Personal – Jana O. Media
Want to learn the differences between a Pinterest business account vs. personal account? You know you want to get Pinterest working to generate leads and clients for your coaching or service-based business... or to sell your course or digital products....
Pinterest Board Ideas for Health, Wellness, & Self Development Coaches
“What Pinterest boards should I have?” ←-- This is one of the most common Pinterest marketing questions I get from online coaches in the wellness and self development niches. Choosing the right board topics and names requires a blend of strategy and creativity. ...
A Pinterest Checklist for Online Coaches, Course Creators & Service Providers
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started."Mark Twain said that. 🐸 He was a smart guy. (And uber-productive, btw.) I find this reminder inspiring - on almost every day that I work. Because, I firmly believe this: It's not the woman who wants it the most that...
2021 Pinterest Marketing Trends Online Coaches Will Want to Watch
Pinterest released its 2021 Trends report this month - and it was a barn burner for online coaches! As I was taking it all in, I was literally gasping with excitement every five seconds. Gasping and scribbling note after note in my fancy schmancy notebook. Why?...
How do I find my Pinterest stats for a pin? And what do they mean?
Note: This post below reviews stats for Pinterest Standard Pins. The post linked here has the 411 about stats on Idea Pins, in case that's what you're looking for! 🙂 ============ When you hear about Pinterest pin stats, do your eyes start to roll back in your head?...
What’s the best time to post on Pinterest?
Curious how to find the best times to pin on Pinterest? Here’s what you’ll want to know about when to pin – and whether it matters!
Pinterest Pin Design: My Favorite Inspiration Trick for Compelling Pin Text
A well-chosen Pinterest pin “text overlay” is critical if you want to stop the scroll and convert. Here’s my favorite secret shortcut for crafting yours!
The #1 Easiest Way to 3x Your Reach on Pinterest – Without 3x-ing Your Content Creation
Lean in and listen, Lovely... Because this one Pinterest marketing tactic I’m sharing with you today? It will literally help you 3x your reach on Pinterest… without requiring you to create more content! (The crowd goes wild!) 🙌🏽 Because here’s the inside scoop on...
Pinterest Boards: How many should you have? And what boards to create?
Pinterest boards! As Pinterest users, we think of them as a place to organize all the ideas and inspiration we love to save. As marketers, we think of them a little differently… We think of them as: ✔️ the “content buckets” we save and create pins in… ✔️ an...
Pinterest Pins that Convert – 4 Real Examples from Online Coaches
Just a quick post this week! I thought I'd share some "Pin-spiration!" (<---- See what I did there? 😉 You're likely quite used to me teaching and sharing about how to create Pinterest pins that... stop the scroll; and get the micro-conversion (meaning... get the...
Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!
Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.