
How to Grow An Audience (as an Online Coach or Service Provider)

How to Grow An Audience (as an Online Coach or Service Provider)

Are you a coach or service provider? And you’re looking for the secret sauce for growing an audience full of ideal potential clients?  If yes, you’ve probably come to understand this:  To be in business, you need three things:  (1) something to sell (<< this is...

Why You Don’t Need SEO to Get Clients With Your Blog

Why You Don’t Need SEO to Get Clients With Your Blog

Are you here because you’ve been spinning out about Google SEO -- and unsure how to wrap your head around it? I know that, like many coaches and service providers I talk to, you want to start a blog to market your services and programs. And I know that experts online...

How to Avoid Content Burnout in Your Coaching Business

How to Avoid Content Burnout in Your Coaching Business

If you're a coach or service provider, and you sometimes feel a little burnt out by all the content you need to create to market your offers…  I have a pretty urgent message for you. 🚨 It's a message that might be hard to hear, but I hope you'll hear me out. The sad...

What is a Content Strategy anyway? (for Coaches & Service Providers)

What is a Content Strategy anyway? (for Coaches & Service Providers)

If you’re new to online business, you may be noticing all the experts saying, “You have to have a ‘strategy’ for your content.”  “If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll just be spinning your wheels.” 😕“If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll burn out.” 😖“If you don’t have...

Why is Pinterest More Low-Maintenance Than Social Media?

Why is Pinterest More Low-Maintenance Than Social Media?

I hear a lot of coaches and experts say, "Pinterest marketing? Oh, I couldn't POSSIBLY add another social media platform to my already-jammed 'to-do' list."  Are you buying into this myth, too? (That Pinterest is like a whole ‘nother social channel?)  Eeeek. You...

How to Upload Tiktok Videos to Pinterest – the Right Way!

How to Upload Tiktok Videos to Pinterest – the Right Way!

Note from Jana:  Ready to learn how to Upload Tiktok Videos to Pinterest - the right way? Perfect... This guest blog is coming at you from my friend and colleague Tereza Toledo. I call her the “Pioneering Pinterest Expert.” I dubbed Tereza this because she teaches...

75+ Pinterest CTA Options That Aren’t a Total SnoozeFest

75+ Pinterest CTA Options That Aren’t a Total SnoozeFest

We need some better CTA options for Pinterest! (CTA = Call to action.)  Really... I've been seeing some INCREDIBLY BORING calls to action on Pinterest pins lately. (Sorry not sorry!) I mean… “Click here.” ? We can do better.  So since you’re here, let’s brainstorm...

Which Pinterest Idea Pins Are Bringing You Profile Visits & Followers?

Which Pinterest Idea Pins Are Bringing You Profile Visits & Followers?

Did you notice? Pinterest has "re-branded" story pins as "idea pins." ⁣⁠ I really like the new name. I think it's a much better way to refer to them - and provides some important differentiation from IG stories. Most notably:⁣⁠ 💡 Idea pins (formerly known as Story...

How To Repurpose Your Instagram Content on Pinterest

How To Repurpose Your Instagram Content on Pinterest

Here’s the deal. If you had asked me two years ago about pinning your Instagram posts on Pinterest, I would have wrinkled my nose up at the thought. (In a cute way. I think.)  But times change!  And as Pinterest marketers, we want to watch how users are using the...

New Pinterest Cover Photo Size – Plus: Free Canva Template!

New Pinterest Cover Photo Size – Plus: Free Canva Template!

If you're looking for a Pinterest cover photo template - I've got you covered. (😉 See what I did there?)  Yes... It's official! Pinterest has phased OUT the "old" profile cover collages.  Pinterest now prompts us to "upload an image." So, now you'll want to choose a...

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

Imagine you're strongly considering a purchase - a course, a mastermind, a coaching package... Your heart and your gut are already sold. (This program seems to offer just what you need - just when you need it. The person who created it is legit, and you really want...

Delegating Makes Space for Your Wisdom

Delegating Makes Space for Your Wisdom

You can outsource a lot of tasks in your online coaching business. But you can't outsource the process of accessing your own wisdom. The thing people look to coaches for - in all areas / specialties - is that wisdom. So, you need time to listen to your own voice and...

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.