Content Marketing

75+ Pinterest CTA Options That Aren’t a Total SnoozeFest

75+ Pinterest CTA Options That Aren’t a Total SnoozeFest

We need some better CTA options for Pinterest! (CTA = Call to action.)  Really... I've been seeing some INCREDIBLY BORING calls to action on Pinterest pins lately. (Sorry not sorry!) I mean… “Click here.” ? We can do better.  So since you’re here, let’s brainstorm...

Is Pinterest Social Media? (+ Why It Matters to Your Marketing)

Is Pinterest Social Media? (+ Why It Matters to Your Marketing)

Is Pinterest social media? … Nope. It’s not. It’s a search engine.  End of blog. Enjoy your day!  🤣 Haha... just kidding. But, in all seriousness… Maybe you’ve landed on this post today and you’re surprised to hear that Pinterest is not a social media platform. Or...

How To Repurpose Your Instagram Content on Pinterest

How To Repurpose Your Instagram Content on Pinterest

Here’s the deal. If you had asked me two years ago about pinning your Instagram posts on Pinterest, I would have wrinkled my nose up at the thought. (In a cute way. I think.)  But times change!  And as Pinterest marketers, we want to watch how users are using the...

How to Claim Your Website on Pinterest!

How to Claim Your Website on Pinterest!

Need a rundown on how to claim your website on Pinterest? I’ve got you!  In this how-to post, I’m documenting the process I use to claim websites on Pinterest - when I’m setting up or re-optimizing an account for clients.   I’m purposely keeping this post pretty...

The 4 Pillars of Pinterest Marketing Success – Part 1: Keywords

The 4 Pillars of Pinterest Marketing Success – Part 1: Keywords

You’ve likely heard the buzz… 🐝 A relationship coach you’ve chatted with in a Facebook group is getting leads for her programs using Pinterest. A woman in your mastermind sells an Instagram course - and credits Pinterest with growing her list to 3,000 subscribers this...

10 Strategies for Networking in Facebook Groups – with Intention!

10 Strategies for Networking in Facebook Groups – with Intention!

Do you remember when you discovered Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs?  I remember it well... Groups chock-full of female coaches, course creators, VAs, service providers, consultants... all offering support and ideas about this crazy world of online entrepreneurship?...

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

Imagine you're strongly considering a purchase - a course, a mastermind, a coaching package... Your heart and your gut are already sold. (This program seems to offer just what you need - just when you need it. The person who created it is legit, and you really want...

Asana Tip: Organize Your Links and Tools By Project

Asana Tip: Organize Your Links and Tools By Project

When you are following a workflow for a recurring client deliverable process, how much time do you spend tracking down the URLs for all the tools you'll use? And, would you like to cut back on that time? ... (Ummmm, of course! As virtual assistants and online service...

Does Follow/Un-follow Work for Coaches on Pinterest?

Does Follow/Un-follow Work for Coaches on Pinterest?

Perhaps you've been hearing about Follow / Un-follow on Instagram? (Reason #1,209 I don't love Instagram...) After posting an offer to answer some Pinterest questions in a Facebook group this week, I fielded this one: "Jana, what do you think about follow/unfollow...

Introducing Pinterest Strategy Calls for Coaches & Consultants

Introducing Pinterest Strategy Calls for Coaches & Consultants

I'm excited to now be offering Pinterest strategy sessions, exclusively for coaches, consultants, and course creators! I'll tell you more about them below! But, backing up for a moment.... Done-for-you Pinterest set-ups - that's my favorite jam! And, if you want to...

The Intersection of Pinterest and Branding

The Intersection of Pinterest and Branding

I have a special place in my heart for branding.One explanation is that one of my favorite retainer clients is a Brand Strategist. She shares her significant genius with clients and students though one-on-one work and online courses. I support her content marketing...

Leaders create content.

Leaders create content.

Today, I was enjoying some South Florida sunshine on a walk with my sweet dog-ter. As always, on our walk I was listening to an upbeat and inspiring podcast. This is a regular ritual for us at lunchtime in the winter, when it's in the 80's here... Don't be jealous....

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.