Online Service-Based Business

How to Grow An Audience (as an Online Coach or Service Provider)

How to Grow An Audience (as an Online Coach or Service Provider)

Are you a coach or service provider? And you’re looking for the secret sauce for growing an audience full of ideal potential clients?  If yes, you’ve probably come to understand this:  To be in business, you need three things:  (1) something to sell (<< this is...

Why You Don’t Need SEO to Get Clients With Your Blog

Why You Don’t Need SEO to Get Clients With Your Blog

Are you here because you’ve been spinning out about Google SEO -- and unsure how to wrap your head around it? I know that, like many coaches and service providers I talk to, you want to start a blog to market your services and programs. And I know that experts online...

How to Avoid Content Burnout in Your Coaching Business

How to Avoid Content Burnout in Your Coaching Business

If you're a coach or service provider, and you sometimes feel a little burnt out by all the content you need to create to market your offers…  I have a pretty urgent message for you. 🚨 It's a message that might be hard to hear, but I hope you'll hear me out. The sad...

What is a Content Strategy anyway? (for Coaches & Service Providers)

What is a Content Strategy anyway? (for Coaches & Service Providers)

If you’re new to online business, you may be noticing all the experts saying, “You have to have a ‘strategy’ for your content.”  “If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll just be spinning your wheels.” 😕“If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll burn out.” 😖“If you don’t have...

How to Clean Up Your Pinterest Boards to Attract Coaching Clients

How to Clean Up Your Pinterest Boards to Attract Coaching Clients

Need to clean up your Pinterest boards… but not sure where to start?  In this blog post, I’m going to outline the five steps to organize and clean up your Pinterest boards. Our goal here is to set you up with an account for your coaching or service-based business that...

Organizing #allthethings in Your Online Business with Asana

Organizing #allthethings in Your Online Business with Asana

I'm often asked how I stay so organized. And when I get this question, I can't help but smile... and think back to a time when I wasn't.  The truth is, I am very proud of the systems I've developed and the reputation I've built. My core brand values position me as...

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

5 Tips for Getting Stunningly Good Testimonials from Clients

Imagine you're strongly considering a purchase - a course, a mastermind, a coaching package... Your heart and your gut are already sold. (This program seems to offer just what you need - just when you need it. The person who created it is legit, and you really want...

The Best Visibility Platform for Entrepreneurs Who Value Automation

The Best Visibility Platform for Entrepreneurs Who Value Automation

Once set up optimally, Pinterest can be a powerful driver of traffic to your lead magnets and content. And, compared to social media platforms, Pinterest is so low-maintenance!Here are a few reasons I believe it is THE BEST PLATFORM for coaches and course creators who...

Introducing Pinterest Strategy Calls for Coaches & Consultants

Introducing Pinterest Strategy Calls for Coaches & Consultants

I'm excited to now be offering Pinterest strategy sessions, exclusively for coaches, consultants, and course creators! I'll tell you more about them below! But, backing up for a moment.... Done-for-you Pinterest set-ups - that's my favorite jam! And, if you want to...

The Intersection of Pinterest and Branding

The Intersection of Pinterest and Branding

I have a special place in my heart for branding.One explanation is that one of my favorite retainer clients is a Brand Strategist. She shares her significant genius with clients and students though one-on-one work and online courses. I support her content marketing...

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

for coaches, service providers, & course creators

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.