Hosting a podcast is an incredibly effective way to develop the know, like, and trust factors that earn you clients and sales. Because there’s just something special about tuning in weekly and hearing that familiar voice… It’s like spending time with a friend who...
Pinterest Marketing
Expert Roundup: 8 Ways to Reach NEW Audiences & Ideal Clients as a Online Coach
When it comes to marketing your coaching business, there are two types of strategies: Strategies that ATTRACT the right women into your audience; & Strategies that NURTURE, EDUCATE, and SELL to the women who are *already* in your audience. -------> And you...
New Pinterest Cover Photo Size – Plus: Free Canva Template!
If you're looking for a Pinterest cover photo template - I've got you covered. (😉 See what I did there?) Yes... It's official! Pinterest has phased OUT the "old" profile cover collages. Pinterest now prompts us to "upload an image." So, now you'll want to choose a...
Pinterest for Coaches: Is it A “Set it & Forget it” Marketing Strategy?
Is Pinterest Marketing a "Set it and Forget it" lead generation strategy? I get this question a lot from online coaches, course creators, and service providers who follow me for Pinterest marketing advice. And I answered it again in a Facebook group recently, so I...
Pinterest for Health Coaches: 10 Ways to Grow Your Audience on Auto-Pilot & Get Clients
Health coaches, personal development mentors, and other wellness entrepreneurs will be interested in this hot piece of Pinterest news that hit my inbox recently… An article they published included this: "With the world continuing to be unpredictable, people are...
4 Pinterest Marketing Systems to Get Results in 1 hour per Week!
One of my fave past clients, Andi, the fabulous online dating coach (you may know her from my course, Pinterest with Purpose!) had a pretty cool behind-the-scenes win early this year! She got about 1200 visits to her content and offers - from Pinterest - during Q2...
Pinterest Marketing Tip: Create Listicles to Attract Action-takers
I’m coming at you with a really good Pinterest marketing tip today. And it can work well for Pinterest marketers in just about any niche… but I think it’s especially powerful for online coaches, course creators, and service providers. (You know, my people! 😉 ) And,...
How to Grow Your Facebook Group Using Pinterest Marketing
One of my favorite online coaches, Barbara Iuliano of Starland Coaching, has a course in which she teaches her students how to create and run profitable Facebook groups. She wrote this recently: “Facebook groups are one of the best forms of lead generation that I’ve...
Pinterest Business Account Name Ideas that Attracts Clients
Considering Pinterest business account name ideas? It's smart to be intentional about this. Here's why: If you’re an online coach, service provider, or any type of online expert - and you’re using Pinterest to market your business - what are your goals there? You...
Pinterest Marketing for Coaches: Focus on the Basics to Attract Perfect Clients
Do you wonder if you're focusing on the right things - with Pinterest marketing? 🤔 Or maybe you haven't gotten started yet - because you feel overwhelmed by it. (You know your audience is there, and you know that other coaches and service providers are getting clients...
“Can I see who pinned my pins?” How to See Who Saved Your Pins on Pinterest
Online coaches who are "Pinterest for business" users sometimes wonder..."How do I see who saved my pins on Pinterest?" As a Pinterest marketing specialist for online coaches, course creators, and service providers, I come across this question from time to time. My...
Your Pinterest Profile Photo: How to Choose & Easily Change It Out
Looking for info on the right Pinterest profile picture size - and best practices for choosing your profile photo? Well, good for you! I like how you're thinking! 😉 ... Because if you’d asked me two years ago, “Jana, are people visiting my Pinterest profile page?” I...
How One Health Coach Used Pinterest Marketing to Generate 8,644 Free, High-Quality Client Leads & Save $75,000 in Ads
The following Pinterest traffic case study was written by contributor Hannah Fleace, Content & Case Study Specialist. "Before Pinterest, our cost to acquire a new client or member was way too high. There were times when we were essentially paying people to join...
Pinterest Group Boards: Why I Tell Coaches & Service Pros to Pay No Mind
I conducted a Pinterest Marketing Intensive Session with an online coach last week. (She focuses primarily on helping her clients recover emotionally from bad break-ups. 💔 And she is soooo good at this important work.)She had recently decided to start a Pinterest...
5 Steps for Promoting Your Coaching Podcast on Pinterest
Want more ears and eyes on YOUR PODCAST? I know you do! Because you're working so hard to plan, record, edit, and consistently drop all that value... and you know that there are women out there who need the solutions you offer. Maybe you've also set some things up...
How Can I Tell If My Ideal Coaching Client is Really on Pinterest?
You’ve heard coaches & consultants can get leads on Pinterest. But are pinners really looking for the solutions you offer? A quick exercise will tell you.
How to Design Standard Pinterest Pins that Convert!
I'm revising this blog post for early 2023... because something exciting is happening on Pinterest! At long last, we are seeing standard pins make a comeback. 🤩 They are being shown to pinners again in their feeds and searches - and getting much higher impressions....
The 4 Pillars of Pinterest Marketing Success – Part 1: Keywords
You’ve likely heard the buzz… 🐝 A relationship coach you’ve chatted with in a Facebook group is getting leads for her programs using Pinterest. A woman in your mastermind sells an Instagram course - and credits Pinterest with growing her list to 3,000 subscribers this...
Do you have Social Media Engagement Fatigue? (Get off your computer – with Pinterest!)
Are you fatiguing of fishing for clients in Facebook groups? Let me guess? You found the groups where your ideal client hangs out. (Some of them are even promo-friendly!) You're posting every dang day in there... trying to keep track of where you've already posted...
Pinterest Billboards! What Online Coaches & Service Providers Can Learn
If you're in the United States, I'm curious... Have you seen billboards like this in your area?I know these are a little hard to read... (a colleague of mine in Seattle snapped them from across a highway... so you know, we need to cut her a break! 😂) They are highway...
Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!
Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.

Access the FREE Pinterest Quick Start Checklist!

Visually brand & optimize your Pinterest profile in 5 Steps! …so you can generate a steady flow of ideal client leads – without being on social media 24/7.